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“You are the most beautiful little girl, aren’t you? Shocking since this idiot is your pops.” Mason drew the backs of his knuckles along her cheek.

“Pops? I’m not a grandad.”

“Says you.”

“Speaking of Pops, how did Dad react when you finally got to talk to him?”

“Surprisingly, he was okay. We had a good conversation even if he won’t ever truly understand how it happened.”

“Well, me either. You never slip up.”

I honestly didn’t want to think about the whys at this point. I’d always been careful, at least before Gina and she didn’t count for a number of reasons. A baby should be brought into the world with a lot of thought and planning. No one should have to end up like me and Mase. I barely remembered our mom, so I couldn’t imagine there was much for my brother to hold onto.

And while our father came up with excuses for our mother leaving, I didn’t. I wouldn’t. Responsibilities were important. Children weren’t like clothing you grew out of. They were forever. Sami would never think I didn’t want her.


Even if I didn’t know about her for the first year—incubation included.

“So, you going to hold her?”

Mason crossed his arms. “You look like you’re doing fine.”

I straightened her back against my chest. “Nope. Say hello to your Uncle Mason, Sami.” I nudged her into my brother’s arms.

Mason instinctively held her out away from him. Everything inside me wanted to snatch her back, but I needed to know he could handle her. This town would definitely help raise this little girl. The only reason I was at all adept at this fatherhood thing was because of Gina.

I couldn’t keep burdening her. As much as I wanted her to be my everything, and this little girl definitely saw her that way too, I knew I had to ask for some help sometimes. Especially with the Cove counting on me just as much as this new addition to my family.

Sami giggled and reached out for him. Gingerly, Mase gathered her against his chest, his long fingers instinctively cupping the back of her head. Her neck was getting stronger each day, but she still wobbled quite a bit.

Sadie immediately went over to sit by Mason’s foot, her gaze arrowed onto her charge.

He eased back to rest against his desk. “Man.”

I laughed. “Yeah. She kinda kicks you right in the teeth, doesn’t she?”

“She’s so small and yet kinda sturdy.”

Personally, I thought she was a peanut, and I was always afraid I was going to crush her.

“Boss, can you come here—oh, sorry.” The stunning brunette lifted her hand to the doorjamb, making sure she was showing off all her assets.

I glanced at my brother, who definitely didn’t notice.

“Wow. She’s a cutie.” She came farther into the room.

“Gillian, meet my niece, Sami. And you know my brother.”

Gillian’s eyes went wide. She looked from me to Mason and the baby, and then back to me. “Whoa.”

“Yeah. Nice to see you again, Gillian.”

“Definitely.” She crossed her arms over her middle. “I hate to interrupt, but I didn’t have a choice.”

“Oh, great. What happened?” Mason handed Sami back to me.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance