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I wasn’t surprised he was standing behind me. Or that my mother slid away as if we’d never had our conversation at all.

For once, he didn’t make a joke or wisecrack, just adjusted his hold on Samantha in her carseat as he leaned over to kiss me gently on the lips. That was still so new and wonderful, somehow even more so with the babbling baby between us.

He cupped my cheek as we drew apart. “I never wanted anyone but you.”


I couldn’t speak.

“I swear, Bee. If I could go back—”

“No. Don’t say that.” Heat burned behind my eyes as I skimmed my fingers over Sami’s rosy cheek. Her nickname was new, but it fit. All of this fit so well, the edges sliding into place as if they’d just needed a nudge. “If you could go back, you’d do the same thing again because otherwise, you wouldn’t have her.”

No matter how many times he claimed to wish I was her biological mother, that wasn’t possible for more than one reason. Samantha’s existence was a blessing.

And maybe someday, I’d stop feeling less than every time I wished I could’ve taken that faceless woman’s place.

His Adam’s apple bobbed, and he leaned down to press his lips to mine once more. “Thank you.”

I needed desperately to lighten this moment. It was lovely and long overdue, but the weight on my chest wasn’t conducive to orgasms aplenty.

“Your thanks isn’t necessary, but I’m open to being repaid with your tongue.” I gave his tie a tug before I took the car seat from him and headed out the door onto the porch.

The night was frosty with a sprinkle of stars among the dark clouds overhead. I made it to the Jeep before Jared lightly bumped his hips against me and pressed a kiss onto my bare shoulder. “Where’s your jacket?”

“Home. Forgot it.”

Shamelessly, he slid his big hands up to cover my breasts. I shuddered. My nipples might as well have been skewers right now. “I’ll keep you warm. But take this anyway.” He draped his coat over my shoulders before opening the backseat to do the honors with the carseat.

All the while, Samantha watched us with knowing eyes. I hoped not too knowing. I didn’t want her scarred for life.

“How’d you learn to do that?” I clutched the lapels of his coat as I watched him secure Sami into place surprisingly efficiently.

“YouTube,” he admitted as he ducked his head back out. “And many, many tries. She probably wished she could curse at me in Spanish just like you did today.” He grabbed my hip and pulled me against him. I may or may not have rubbed against him accidentally on purpose. “Did I mention that was fucking hot?”

“You’re just horny. If I called you a chulo, you’d tear a hole in your pants.”

“Depends. What does it mean?”

I smirked as I juggled my purse and the bag of leftovers to open his door. He’d have to bring me back for my car later, thereby making it super obvious to my entire family I’d gone home with him. But who hadn’t figured it out yet anyway?

“A pimp, among other things,” I said, climbing in and closing my door before he could.

He shook his head at me, rounding the hood to the driver’s side while I giggled.

As soon as he got behind the wheel, he dipped his head back against the seat. “I barely had a minute to talk to my dad. I tried to explain without lying or enhancing, but he’s a different sort of guy.”

“What do you mean?” I set my belongings on the floor. “Your dad is nice.”

“He is. So much more than I am. He didn’t understand how I got into this situation.”

“I’d say it’s pretty understandable. Happens all the time.”

His lips quirked. “Yeah, but not with guys like him. I don’t think he has any concept of a weekend fling.”

“Sure you’re not wearing rose-colored glasses in his direction? He may be your dad, but he is a dude.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance