“We’re friends.”

“Yeah. And? Because gotta say, Kin, I don’t usually fuck my friends.”

“August,” she gasped, tilting the baby precariously so she could cover her ears. Very belatedly.

The baby who didn’t bat one silky eyelash.

“She’s too little to care. Also, I guarantee Lucky Charms swears plenty around her. When he even bothers to be home.”

“You really don’t like him, do you?”

I pulled off my ball cap and finger-combed my hair before putting it back on. “I don’t hate the guy. He loves my sister.”

“And this baby.”

“Yeah, he does,” I agreed reluctantly as Kinleigh started circling the room, humming softly to a sleeping Rhiannon. “He’s a decent guy. It just feels like my job to bust his balls.”

“You know, you could start practicing now to moderate your language. In a few months, she’ll understand what you’re saying.”

“Probably more than a few months until she knows about balls.”

Kinleigh shook her head. “You’re a contrary sort. I never realized.”

“Could be because you run out on me whenever we’re alone for more than five minutes.” I crossed my arms. “Why is that?”

“I do not.”

“Right. So you’d go out with me then. On an actual date.”

“Why, so we could have sex again?”

“Little ears,” I mocked. “And we don’t need to go on a date to do that.”

“Maybe we dodged a bullet.” She wouldn’t look at me. Instead, she stared down at the happily snoozing baby, now sucking on her fingers in her sleep.

“Because I didn’t knock you up? Maybe. Depending on if that test was old or something.”

“You mean like your condom?”

“I never said it was old. John gave it to me. I’m sure it was perfectly satisfactory.” At least I assumed it was. I had no clue how long he’d been toting it around. Macy had gotten pregnant right away. For all I knew, maybe they’d free-bagged it from day one.

“You got a condom from John? Like a high school boy? Can’t you buy your own?”

“I could, if I had a reason to use one. But I haven’t been on the hookup circuit for a while, so I was unprepared. Sorry to disappoint you.”

She narrowed her eyes. “So you got the feeling you’d be getting lucky and asked the newly married guy to spot you some latex?”

“No. I asked him for advice about one specific lady—whom I didn’t name—and apparently, he enjoys action more than talking.”

“What specific lady?”

“Take a wild guess that ends with you looking in the mirror.”

She huffed out a breath and the baby just curled more fully into her cleavage. Couldn’t say I blamed the kid. I enjoyed that particular spot myself, though I’d barely had time to get familiar with it. “I can’t believe you mentioned me to John.”

“I didn’t say your name. He guessed.”

She flushed right up to her hairline, making her freckles pop like cinnamon on her fair skin. “He gave you a condom so you could slip it to me?”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance