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“Ugh, you guys are the cutest. Disgusting, but the cutest.”

August laughed. “Thanks, Ive.”

“Now I need to go home to my baby, but not before you take that test.”

Nerves crept up my shoulders. “I—”

August pressed a kiss to my temple. “It’s time, Kinleigh.”

“I don’t have to pee.”

“You always have to pee,” Ivy said and crossed her arms.

Okay, that was a fact. I guessed that would be even more fun when the baby started bouncing on my bladder.

I slid off August’s lap, tucking my fingers into the cuffs of his sweatshirt.

“Is that mine?”

From the sly way he asked, I was pretty sure he knew the answer. But August being August, he always had to tease me.

I kind of loved it.

“It used to be,” I said and headed toward the bathroom.

I pulled down the test I’d tucked behind my tampons and Q-tips. I was pretty sure I’d only need one of those things for the next few months. “Now don’t show me up in there.” I patted my belly. “I know you’re in there and you need to make those pink lines show this time.”

“Are you talking to yourself in there?”

I jumped at August’s question. “Why are you being a creeper?”

“Do you want me to be in there with you?”

“I think there should still be a few mysteries in our relationship, Becks.”

“Okay. Yeah, sorry. I’ll be right out here.”

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I read the box for the hundredth time—just in case. I did my business and wiped down my sink before setting the little white wand down on a pile of toilet paper.

I washed my hands and opened the door. August’s large shoulders blocked the doorway.

“Is it positive?”

“It takes a few minutes.”

“Right.” He curled his arm around my waist. “So I can kiss you then?”

“Your sister—ummf.” He lifted me onto my toes and that was that. I had to admit, it was a better way to spend three minutes and some change than pacing.

When he finally put me back on my feet, I was a little wobbly for more than one reason this time.

He pushed me aside and went for the wand, but I already knew it was positive. That certainty was a warm glow inside me. I smiled at Ivy down the hallway as he let out a whoop.

I wondered what Luna would say my aura was like right now. I’d go with a joyful, contented pink. Or maybe a rainbow. Was that possible?

August lifted me up to swing me around and we crashed into Ivy, who was crying and hopping up and down. The best kind of insanity.

It felt so much better than the worry and the fear that had dominated the night. First with my niece and then facing all the things I never wanted to let into my present.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance