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I rose to dump our trash and returned to the table. “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.”

“Just saying, I don’t scare easy.”

When she tugged at the shoulder of her top, I reached for my wallet. She’d returned my jacket before we rode out to the farm.

Stubborn, sexy as hell woman.

“Want a hot cocoa? Or a hot cider?” I gestured at the booth beside us. “They sell both. Pretty good too. Can add a flavor to your hot cocoa.”

“Ooh, can I?”

Rather than getting annoyed at the edge to her voice, I just pulled out a ten. I’d buy her a drink and she’d drink it. If not, I would. I had a eight-year-old. Temper tantrums didn’t faze me.

Even if Macy used possible condom destruction as a weapon.

“I’ll take a cider.” Macy stood and heaved out a sigh. “Thanks. I’ll go grab us a spot in line. Damn children keep jumping ahead.”

I nearly reminded her that these hayrides were promoted heavily to children—well, those seven and up anyway, since the scares were a bit much for the littler ones—but decided she was dealing with enough right now.

After I paid for her cider, I met her at the back of the line. She was blowing on her hands, so I nudged the cider between them. She took a long sip, her eyes nearly rolling back in her head.

“You didn’t mention it was caramel apple cider.”

“I didn’t know. Isn’t it all the same?”

“Taste.” She shoved it at me and I took a drink, watching her all the while.

“It’s good.”

“Ugh, men.” She yanked back the cup and took another long drink.

As soon as she drew the cup away, I tipped up her chin with my thumb and took her mouth. Slowly, sweetly, letting the tart apple and sweet caramel swirl together on my tongue. Under both was Macy, all sharp words and flashing blue eyes, even as I sipped from her lips. Then finally, she made a soft sigh of acquiescence and leaned up on her toes, fisting my shirt with her free hand.

“Here they go again,” someone said.

I started to ease back, but Macy dove in for round two. I couldn’t say I minded. The cool breeze tickled the back of my neck, but her mouth was an inferno against mine, all need and hunger. The kind I’d rep

ressed for so long that I’d believed I wasn’t denying it. But here with her, that part of me came roaring to the fore.

Still, there were children here. And while we were just kissing, it wasn’t the sort that was appropriate for young gazes.

Someone bumped hard into my back as the line moved forward. I tugged Macy with me, sheltering her in the circle of my arm. She drew away and laughed as she looked down at the cider cup she’d nearly crushed, licking a little of the liquid now flowing out of the triangle opening on the top.

My cock lurched painfully against my zipper. So, I was going to spend my night in a state of personal agony.

Good to know.

“Guess we aren’t doing so well at diverting attention.” She inclined her chin at a couple of women I would’ve sworn had circled around The Haunt right after Dani’s post. “Think they’re thirsty too, but don’t offer to buy them any cider, k?”

“I’ll try to control myself.”

She took another sip. “Not doing awesome at that either, pal.”

“Oh, you have no idea.”

We reached the head of the line and paid. The first group were just coming back so we were able to load fairly quickly, although they overpacked the rides. This occurred despite a kindly-looking grandmother I recognized as Laverne Ronson, one of Happy Acres’s owners, yelling out, “Safety first!” before dropping a creepy clown mask over her face.

Macy shuddered beside me. “Fuck.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance