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I walked over to her and hugged her. She pressed her cheek to my shoulder. “I’m supposed to be hugging you.”

“So, hug me back.”

Her arms came up around m

e. “It’s going to be all right. I’m here for you. Every step of the way.”

“I know. It’s not like it’s dire. I want a baby.” I even wanted his baby. I wasn’t ready to say that out loud though. Because one-sided love wasn’t really enough. Enough to make a baby, evidently, but I wasn’t sure about the rest.

“Yes, we both want kids. You’re supercharging our timeline there, woman.”

I laughed. “We don’t know yet.”

But I did.

I dug into my bag and took one of the tests out. “I’m going to go do this.”

“You want me to come in there with you?”

“And watch me pee? I love you, girl, but not that much.”

She laughed. “Okay. I mean I wouldn’t like it, but I’d do it.”

“Because you’re my rockstar.” The lump in my throat made my eyes burn. I had to use that phrase? Really?

“You better believe it. I’ll be out here waiting. But you know, wash your hands.”

I laughed because she needed me to. And I needed it as well.

The test was quick. Even quicker than I thought. It felt like it should require more than just a stick. But that was really all it was.

“How many minutes?”

I jumped a little. “Were you waiting for the flush, for God’s sake?”

“Sort of. Well, the sink too.”

I shook my head and washed my hands dutifully. I wasn’t sure what to do with the freaking test. I didn’t want to leave any of the trappings in the bathroom for my brother to find. In the end, I just tucked it all in the box and carried the wad out.

“Three minutes.”

I bit my lower lip as we went back into the kitchen. I didn’t know what else to do, so I went to the freezer and took out a pint of peanut butter chocolate swirl. I scooped out two small bowls and set one in front of Kinleigh.

The only sound in the room was spoons lightly tapping along the sides of the bowl. I didn’t even really taste the ice cream. Every second felt like ten minutes until finally Kinleigh’s app chirped.

I set the bowl down and walked around to the end of the counter. I scrubbed my palms down my thighs, then shook my fingers out before grabbing the test.

Sure enough, a big fat plus sign was staring back at me.

I bowed my head and Kinleigh rushed round the counter to me.

“Holy shitballs.”


She linked her arm with mine. “I’m going to be the best damn aunt in the freaking world.”

“I know you are.” I tipped my head to touch her shoulder.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance