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“Not quite. More like specialized, homemade ice cream. I’m looking for a spot to park my truck.” I twisted my fingers. It was the first time I’d actually told someone about it beyond my friends and family—and Rory. “Lots of paperwork.”

“Well if your ice cream tastes anything like that concoction—”

“Better,” I blurted out.

“We’ll see.”

Breathe, Ivy.

“How big is this truck?”

My stomach flipped, excitement and nerves twisting together. “It’s a repurposed taco truck.”

Macy tapped one long finger on her folded arms. “I’d have to see it.”

“I just started painting it.”

“How long do you think you’ll need?”

I blew out a slow breath. “I’m hoping for July 4th.”

“Maybe we can work something out. I’d have to test the product. Try it out here and see if people are into it.”

My heart raced. “I can do that. I’ve been testing flavors. I have a few gallons I can bring over to try.”

“All right. If you don’t poison me, we’ll talk about it.”

I laughed. “Wow. I didn’t—I mean, thanks.”

“Someone took a chance on me, I’m just paying it forward. Besides, then people will stop fucking asking about ice cream.”

I grinned. “What if you love it?”

“One step at a time. Bring some by tomorrow at seven? My evenings are less crazy.”

“I can do that. How many would you like me to bring?”

“Half a dozen of your best.”

I swallowed. Holy shit, this was really happening. “You got it.”

“Great.” Macy turned without another word as I tried not to do back-springs. I mean, I hadn’t done one since I was like twelve, but right now, I was pretty sure I could do one.

I was halfway to Kinleigh before I remembered I hadn’t gotten our food or drinks. She gave me a what the fuck look and I spun back around to get in line once more. I wasn’t even sure what I ordered. I just took the tray full of food and drinks back to the table.

“What the hell were you doing over there? And were you making a drink for Macy?”


“Oh, no shit. Really?” Kinleigh took her strawberry smoothie off the tray. “Are you saying I need to change my eating habits?”


She held up the fruit cup.

“Oh, sorry. I was distracted. Macy wants to try my ice cream.”

She paused while popping off the plastic top. “Are you serious?”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance