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“Better. Stop up there.” She pointed.

I squinted into the darkness. The street lights were few and far between up here. “Where?”

“See those two huge trees? Veer left between them. But be careful.”

“Because I’m driving into the fucking forest?”

“No, because if you go too far, you’ll drive into the fucking lake.”

I hit the brakes with a loud squeal.

Ivy doubled over, laughing. “Seriously, it’s easy. Just coast off the road. You have plenty of warning where to stop. It’s a clearing. There’s just no fencing on that one tiny part.”

“No fencing. Right. If I sink this car, I won’t be getting my deposit back.”

She laughed harder.

I obliged her, and lo and behold, she was right. The clearing was tucked away enough to be unobtrusive to passing cars, but if one was careful—and I was nothing if not that—it wasn’t hard to figure out how far to go.

The sign my headlights flashed over that warned about the boat launch helped as well.

I turned off the engine and turned to her. “Now what?” I was pretty sure I knew, and I was okay with it. Chilly spring weather or not, I was certain we’d keep each other warm.

Then again, I could just turn the car back on. This was worth wasting gas.

She clicked off her seatbelt and my cock jerked. Down, boy. “Now we get out.”


She was already on her way out, so I followed. At that point, my dick would’ve followed her into the bowels of hell.

She jogged forward, coming to a stop by some hedgerow that served as a poor blockade for the lake. I was about to say just that when I glanced upward and my words got stuck in my throat.

Just here, the canopy of trees separated and the endless dark blue sky opened up, covered in a carpet of minute diamonds. It was as if someone had poked holes in the night to let slivers of light through. They danced and shivered on the gently rolling water.

She turned toward me, her lips parting, and I forgot everything but cupping her face and bringing her mouth to mine.

Warmth exploded through me. I scarcely felt the cold as she slipped her cool hands under my shirt, lightly scraping my belly.

“Beautiful,” I whispered, and I didn’t mean the sky and the lake.

I meant her. This.


When she drew back and started to drop to her knees, I gripped her elbows. I knew where she’d been going, and my much less altruistic cock didn’t like the change in direction. “No. Not here. I need to be inside you.”

Later, I’d wonder what logic dictated a blowjob was too intimate for a public place while fornication was just fine, but that was lust for you.

I took her hand and led her back to the car. This was a romantic spot, but it was lacking certain amenities. And as far away from LA as I was, the media-savvy part of me would never allow us to openly do something so risqué.

Inside a car though? That was private.


She tugged open the back door of my rental sedan and crawled inside. She shifted to face me and held out her arms in a welcome I couldn’t have resisted if I tried. Especially when she also spread her legs. Pity she wore trousers instead of a flirty little skirt.

“I’m not dressed for this,” she said as I slid inside. “I had no idea how my day would end.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance