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“No, no.” I scooped her in close to me. “I’m just teasing.”

She poked me. “Well, don’t. I’ve never done this before.”


She looked down at her black strapped shoes that reminded me of a schoolgirl’s—wrong, Moose. Don’t go down that road. It was bad enough that I found every part of her sexy as hell, I didn’t need to add in a schoolgirl fantasy. Especially since I’d never had one before her.

It was probably the braids.

Her colorful hair was wrapped up in one of her crown braids with little bits curling around her face. She looked impossibly young and way out of my league. She was wearing one of her colorful dresses. It reminded me of the poppy fields I’d seen in books. She matched her flowers, for God’s sake.

I was lucky I’d remembered to wear khakis instead of jeans for Sunday dinner.

My girl looked like she was coming from church. And I was not having churchly thoughts.

“Okay, let me just go over the names again.”

“The only one who counts is me.”

I turned at the deep voice behind me and handed the box to Veronica. “Jesus, it’s good to see you, man.” I gave my older brother a bear hug, lifting him off his feet.


??Christ, what have you been eating?” Penn slapped my shoulders. “You’re a beast.”

I let him go and stepped back with a half-laugh. I tugged down my shirt and took the box back from Veronica. “Just the same old stuff.”

Penn gave me a once over. “I think not. Are you sure there aren’t steroids involved?”

“No, definitely—”

Veronica stepped in front of me. “Actually, he’s been eating very sensibly. Even trying to change my terrible diet. And he rows every morning.”

Penn laughed. “I stand corrected.” He glanced from Veronica to me. “I’m just impressed. Gotta look after my little brother. I’m used to the softer, gentler version, not this fit tank.” He slapped my midsection. “Putting us all to shame, Moose.” He nodded to Veronica. “Who’s the little pit bull?”

I rolled my eyes. “Veronica, meet my oldest brother, Penn. Don’t hold his shitty manners against me.”

He tsked. “Swearing in front of a lady. What would Mom say?”

Veronica peered up at him. Penn might be a little shorter than me, and all lanky muscle, but he was still well over six feet. His dark hair was long and shaggy. It was probably a four-hundred-dollar haircut knowing my brother. She tipped her head slightly. There was no playful light in her eyes.

No, they were flat and assessing. Finally, she held out her hand. “Pleased to meet you. I think. I’m still reserving judgement.”

Penn laughed. “I like her. Way more interesting than the women you usually date, little bro.” His eyebrow lifted. “Way more interesting.”

My eyes narrowed. It wouldn’t be the first time my brother tried to lure a girl away from me. He’d even managed to do it a time or two. In his words, it was to protect me. One of the women had earned Penn a black eye.

The other girl I’d been dating hadn’t been right for me from the jump. I wasn’t entirely shocked she’d picked my brother over me. Everyone chose Penn. It was one of those things I’d been used to all my life.

Penn was wild and reckless. He’d been looking for a way out of this town since he turned seventeen. He’d even gone so far as to take his tests and graduate early so he could get to art school. It was all he’d cared about.

That and bedding whatever willing female caught his eye.

So, yeah, I didn’t want him looking at Veronica. Even a little bit. Not that I had any reason to believe she’d go for him. Even if virile male pheromones trailed behind him like Pepe LePew.

Asshole. But hormones are what she wants though.


Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance