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Vee: Okay, that leaves out my belly shirt & mini skirt.

Cabin Fortress: Belly shirt? I don’t know what that is, but I think I love it.

Vee: Oh, you would. It exposes my midriff almost up to my tits.

Cabin Fortress: …

Vee: You okay, Fortress?

Cabin Fortress: Just considering a longer shirt for the evening. Maybe a roomy sweater.

Vee: Not too roomy. I want easy access. Maybe you could skip the boxers, just for me?

Cabin Fortress: Jesus, I can’t work now.

Vee: *giggle* Save up your energy for later. And yeah, skip the boxers.

“Do I look okay?”

“Veronica Dixon, if you do not skedaddle on out of my coffee shop with your questions and adorable nerves, I’m probably going to get jealous of your new love or something. And I do not do that shit.”

I grinned at Macy as she kneaded bread dough. That wasn’t her usual department, but her numero uno baker had the night off and my boss claimed she enjoyed expending her aggressions on the bread. From how she was working that sourdough, I could believe it.

“We’re just going on a date. Doesn’t mean new love.”

“Right. That’s why you’ve been flittering around here all week like a lightning bug on speed.”

“I’m well rested.”

“That is a goddamn lie, because I could go deep sea diving in the bags under your eyes.”

“Hey.” I tugged out my compact from my tiny purse and frowned as I touched the slight puffiness beneath my eyes. “Don’t give me a complex.”

“You look amazing. I’m just jealous. Just saying you’re so not well rested, because you’re spending all your spare time trying to create a whole flock of little Mastersons.”

“Nah, we’re just practicing at this point. He’s been fully wrapped every time.”

Macy arched a brow. “So, tell me again how this isn’t new love blossoming? His whole purpose was to fertilize your stamen.”

I shook my head. Macy knew coffee like nobody’s business, but her knowledge of flowers needed work. “My pistil is doing just fine, thank you, and we aren’t on any timetable.”

“You’re glowing. And it’s not because you’re knocked up.”

“No. I’m just happy.” I let out a sigh and leaned against the counter where Macy was needlessly punishing her sourdough starter. “You’re going to ruin that bread.”

“It’ll be delicious. You think he’s gonna propose tonight?”

I choked on air. “Excuse me? Don’t you think it’s a little soon for that?”

Macy flipped over her dough and pummeled merrily away. “He’s a traditional dude. If he’s still wrapped, the minute the raincoat hits the floor, he’ll probably hit his knees.”

“It’s been like…no time.”

“Yet you’re going to try for a baby.”

“Not yet.”

“But soon?”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance