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She twirled and made a little strangled sound as she saw my restaurant-sized fridge. “Wow.” She swung open both doors. “You have all the toys.”

“Fridge is smart too,” I said as I came up behind her and slipped my hand along her hip.

“Oh?” She stilled with the fridge still open.

I traced lazy circles on her thigh. “Camera inside so I can check when I need milk.”

“God, that’s so hot.”

Laughing, I twirled her back around to face me and shut the doors. “I worked up a powerful appetite.” I toyed with the hem of my shirt and cupped her ass to drag her in closer.

She rested her hands on my chest, grinning up at me. “Then stop distracting me.”

“It’s a fridge.”

“I’m a baker. Do you know how many supplies I could hold in there? I could climb in there.”

“Let’s not test that theory. But my kitchen is yours.”

“Don’t offer up things like that, sir. I will take advantage.”

Take advantage. Please. “I cook for you, you bake for me. I think this is a win-win.”

“Deal.” She laughed and slipped away to perch on the edge of a chair at the dining room table. “I gotta say, I’ve never eaten half naked at the table.”

“The table part is the exclusion?” I sat next to her and unwrapped the bread. Thankfully, it was just a little extra crispy, not burned.

“Who hasn’t raided the fridge in the middle of the night?”

I choked on the spoonful of food. “Naked raiding?”

She ripped a piece of bread and dunked it into her bowl. “Gets hot in my apartment in the summer.”

I groaned. “Cruel, cruel woman.”

She took a bite of bread and gave me an answering groan. “Did I mention I’ll be sleeping?” She looked around suddenly. “Where’s Latte?”

“Burrowed in his blanket.”

“Aww. I can’t believe you kept him. That’s so sweet.”

“I didn’t really have a choice. He climbed up my arm like a damn monkey. Then climbed in my coat and wouldn’t leave me.”

“So gruff, but you know you love him.”

I shrugged. “He’s all right. My brothers will give me hell for having a little dog.”

She picked up her spoon and tried to cut up the huge cubed meat.

“Sorry. I tend to make a pretty big bite.”

“Works for me. You should see what I put away.” She grinned around a spoonful. She chewed and swallowed before giving me the head tilt again.


“Your brothers give you a hard time?”

“I’m the baby, besides my sister. I think they believe it’s their job to toughen me up. Doesn’t matter that I’m thirty-damn-years-old now.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance