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The next hour was more of the same. A few concerned citizens, a few jokes, a few insults. The line stretched out the door, and it wasn’t just because Brewed Awakening had already built quite the reputation in town as being the place to go for funky coffee drinks and fun bakery products along with a cool atmosphere.

Now what was the big draw? Facebook’s baby mama-to-be was in residence. I was practically a sideshow attraction.

Step right up, boys and girls, and take a good look at the exhibit!

As if that wasn’t enough, my freaking phone kept vibrating against my ass where I’d stashed it in my back pocket. I was scared to check it. Instead of feeling excitement that maybe I’d find the man I was searching for, all I could think about was what indignity might be waiting for me now.

When the foot traffic slowed and I finally got a second to breathe, I stepped away from the counter and tipped back my head. Holy shittake. Was this what my life was going to be like now?

“Ready for a break?”

The question from Macy, my boss and close friend, made my shoulders drop. I opened my eyes and sighed at her crossed arms and flattened expression. “You know.”

Nodding at the swinging passthrough door that led into the reading nook, she motioned at a couple of the other workers to man the counter while we escaped. On the way, she snagged a couple bottled smoothies prepared and waiting for the afternoon yoga crowd. I took the one she offered gratefully and took a long swig.

Macy’s smoothies contained a shot of espresso. They were healthy and also had a glorious caffeine kick.

Now if only mine could’ve also had a belt of scotch…

“All right, tell me what this hot mess express is all about.” She held up a finger. “Since your indoor voice has been missing today, keep it down. Remember that we’re trying to put out the fire, not burn through the pants of every horny dude in this joint.”

It made me laugh when I would’ve said nothing could. “I’m the biggest butt of a joke that’s ever lived.”

“You think so? Did you miss all the longing glances from some of the most eligible men Crescent Cove has to offer? Some a little too longing for an upstanding place of business.” Macy sniffed and I laughed again, reaching out to grip her hand.

“Thanks for being so cool about all this. I know it’s not good having all this happen at work.”

“Are you kidding me? Receipts have been up twenty percent.”

I winced. “Yay. So has my humiliation level.”

“Okay, so spill. What happened?”

/> I ran it through for her, using my indoor voice as requested. As I told the story, I ignored the occasional calls of “Yo, Vee!” or “Hey there, Veronica,” from passing customers. Some I knew, some I didn’t. Either way, I wasn’t in the mood to be their entertainment for the afternoon.

“Okay, so you didn’t mean to post it there. Where exactly did you mean to post it? And girl, did you really think this through?”

“I did think it through. I meant to post it in the CNY Singles group. I’ve seen some kind of similar requests…” I trailed off and set aside my half empty smoothie cup so I could bury my face in my hands. “Okay, not exactly like this, but God, Mace, you know the dating thing is such a meat market and eggs have a time limit. If I’m not fertile from the get go, it might take awhile and—” I looked up, aghast. “And no guy is going to want to keep trying, will he? I’m such a fool.”

Macy snapped her fingers and my eyes went wide. “Simmer down. You’re heading for a shame spiral, and the only ones who benefit from that are the home shopping networks and Ben & Jerry’s.”

“I never thought of the whole process of it. It’s not super quick for most people. God, what have I done? If I delete it now, it doesn’t matter. The internet is forever.”

“Do you want to meet someone and try to have a baby?”

It was easy enough to answer the question when she broke it down like that. “Yes. Deep down, I do. It’d be nice if I liked the guy. Not lifetime love, just someone I could be friends with around the getting naked part.” I reached for my smoothie again to wet my throat. “And maybe if it takes a little while to make it happen, he’ll be okay with that. If it takes longer than he’s willing to wait, well, then I’ll meet someone else.”

“Yes, you will. Because God knows why you want a baby with all of them crawling out of the woodwork around here—” She broke off and frowned at me. “You drank the Crescent Cove water, didn’t you? I warned you.”

I laughed and leaned back in the overstuffed loveseat. Macy had the comfiest furniture in her reading area. “Maybe a little. There are an awful lot of cute babies around here nowadays. And look at Rylee, just about to pop and so damn cute with it.”

“Cute? She’s crying hourly about ankle swelling and being too big to get off the couch.”

“She just glows. And you know her baby is going to be gorgeous, what with all her and Gage’s genes swimming around in there.” I let out a long wistful sigh as I pictured Macy’s bestie and Crescent Cove’s most recent pregnant chick.

Until I got knocked up. See, I could engage in positive thinking.

“I suppose so. But it’ll still be a baby. And you’re responsible for them for eighteen years. More if they won’t move out of your basement.” Macy shuddered and tapped the side of her smoothie cup. “No Crescent Cove water for me, thanks.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance