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Cabin Fortress: How about a tease for now?

Goodtothelastdrop: Goodness, you weren’t kidding about that view. I’m liking the guy in the picture too. You have nothing to worry about with me. I hope you know that, Fortress. It’s about the real you, not a face, a body, or a voice. I like what I’m learning about you. But I’ll wait a little longer for you.

Cabin Fortress: Not much longer. A computer just isn’t enough the more I get to know you.

Goodtothelastdrop: Me either.

Cabin Fortress: I have something to do really early tomorrow. Can we talk tomorrow?

Goodtothelastdrop: Definitely. It was a long one for me today too. Sweet dreams.

Cabin Fortress: Same to you, Vee.

I looked down at the sweet puppy curled into me. At least one thing made sense in my life. ?

?C’mon, pal. Let’s get you back with your brothers and sisters. Big day tomorrow.”

Maybe not only for the puppies.




I have to admit your note put me in one helluva state. One that required a long-ass shower of the chilly variety. I love a woman who is willing to ask for what she wants. For us guys, it’s a lot of fumbling around hoping we don’t take stuff too far. Me? I’m very good with my hands and my tongue. Enough to keep up with you and then some. Did I mention I have many sturdy surfaces in my cabin? If not, I do. We can get as creative as you want. I’m so very up for anything you’re into.



Cabin Fortress lived in my brain pretty much continuously, especially after I’d read that note. Though we’d chatted every night for the last few days after he’d said he was up for creativity, those particular words were on repeat in my mind.

I just wasn’t sure what I wanted to do about them quite yet. And right now, I had other fish to fry than those involving my libido.

“Ladies, quiet, please. Let’s grab everyone’s drink orders and then we’ll get down to…chatting,” I finished weakly, clasping my hands as I faced the assembled ladies who were piled up in the reading nook.

That wasn’t much of an exaggeration. The women were lumped together on the tidy circle of couches and chairs in the café like a bunch of exuberant puppies. I had vastly underestimated the number of women who would show up.


I’d considered moving the meeting to the new movie area we had out back on the patio, but it was a chilly and raw night, not at all suited to outdoor activities.

Thanks so much, Central New York.

Fall could be lovely, or it could turn into monsoon season on a dime. I really hoped the rain wasn’t here to stay yet, because that meant cold and snow were right behind.

The natives were restless at this early turn in the weather, asking for hot cocoa, fancy coffee drinks, and chocolate pastries in copious quantities. Macy had taken one look at the crowd, arched a brow at me over my “little” gathering, and called in more help.

The cash register would be ringing tonight for sure.

“Forget just drinks. I caught sight of those petit fours over there. I’ve never seen so many flavors.”

I flushed. “Thanks. I do those. We’ll be sure to get orders for baked goods too, just as soon as Clara and Jodi and—”

“Could I get a sandwich instead, please? I missed lunch. I worked a double today.” A woman who I recognized as a waitress at the diner leaned down to rub her foot. She’d kicked off her shoes the second she’d taken a seat.

Since I knew all too well what long hours on my feet were like, I winced in sympathy. “Sure thing. We’ll get dinner orders too for anyone who wants something more substantial.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance