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Cabin Fortress: No. You didn’t scare me away. I just wasn’t sure how to reply. I’m okay looking, but no leading man if that’s what you mean.

Goodtothelastdrop: That doesn’t matter to me. Kind eyes and manners are way more interesting than a guy prettier than me.

Cabin Fortress: You say that now, but what happens if I look like a guy who escaped from the Alaskan tundra?

Goodtothelastdrop: A good razor and a shower will fix most anything.

Cabin Fortress: Not into the mountain man look? I thought everyone enjoyed Aquaman.

Goodtothelastdrop: Haha. Well, if a woman is breathing, they usually enjoy Jason Momoa. I’m not going to say I’d have a hard time if you look like him, but I wouldn’t want a man to only be interested in me for my looks.

Cabin Fortress: All women are beautiful.

Goodtothelastdrop: Now that’s a line. Besides, you already know who I am. Do we know each other? Why the secrecy?

My fingers paused on my keys. We knew each other by name, but we didn’t know anything beyond that. I wouldn’t lie, but would she still be interested if she knew it was me? Painfully shy Moose Masterson? Not that she called me Moose.

Her soft voice dripped with a touch of honey when she said my real name. Same as I used her full name.

There was something sweet and sexy about the full version. I didn’t want to be like all the rest who used her initial.

I didn’t want to be one of the pack in any way.

Cabin Fortress: I only know you as much as the next guy who goes to the café. That’s simply the entire town at this point.

Goodtothelastdrop: All right. So I’ve served you? And not in the biblical way. At least not yet.

Good God. She was going to kill me. Because now all I could think about was her serving me. Servicing me. And that was a black hole I couldn’t get into. Not with this much wine in me.

Speaking of wine. I lifted my glass and finished it off.

Probably not a good idea.

Cabin Fortress: Don’t tease a guy, Vee. We’re simple creatures which is why so many of us have come for you already. Why I was hoping we could talk and I could prove to you that I’m worthy.

Goodtothelastdrop: Worthy? Chivalry still, Fortress?

Cabin Fortress: Women hold all the power in what you’re asking. We’re but a small piece of what you need.

Goodtothelastdrop: I think I need more wine for this conversation.

Cabin Fortress: I’ve already drank a bottle to screw up the courage to keep on talking.

We spoke well into the night. I found out her favorite movies, television shows, music. We swapped concert stories and found out we both loved country and rock. I poured myself another large glass of wine and then things took a turn.

Goodtothelastdrop: It’s easy to talk to you.

Cabin Fortress: I can type really easily. Spitting out words in real life…

Goodtothelastdrop: Yeah, I get tongue tied too.

Cabin Fortress: You always seem so full of life and bubbly when I see you.

Goodtothelastdrop: So, you do come in a lot?

Cabin Fortress: I backed into that one. LOL Let’s just say you know me far more here in this little chat window than in real life. Through no fault of your own, it’s all me.

Goodtothelastdrop: It’s easy to make small talk. Ask a question and most people run with it and are more than happy to talk.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance