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“We didn’t establish any rules.” A slow smile transformed his handsome face into downright sinful.

“That’s bullshit.” I resisted the urge to stomp my boot, but only barely.

He twirled me around and cozied up behind me. I stiffened in his arms, but he pointed to the board. “You still won there, Artemis.”

Startled, I twisted to look up at him. Mythology? Wears hot cashmere sweater, has man hands, and smart. I’m not sure where this trifecta came from, but I was afraid to blink. He’d totally be a figment of my buzzy imagination.

His stubbled cheek brushed along mine. “Guess I owe you three hundred, my little huntress.”

“From Artemis to huntress? I’m not sure I want to be downgraded.”

“I was thinking more like Princess Diana.”

I laughed. “Now a super blond and definitely not alive version. At least you could let me be Megan or something.”

“More like Wonder Woman.” He flicked his finger along my wavy dark hair. “You’re hot and fierce like her.”

“Oh.” I swallowed. Yeah, I could definitely deal with that comparison. “I definitely don’t have her boobs.”

I slammed my eyes shut. Good going, Rylee.

His hand spanned my waist. “Your breasts are perfect.” He nipped my ear. “You started this little dance, but are you willing to finish it?”

The guys around us had dissipated when they were no longer part of the fun. They’d taken their free beers and gone about their business. I was alone with him. Well, as alone as I could be in a bar still half-full of people.

My breath died in my chest. Did I really have the balls to take him up on his offer? I’d done this before, both times ending in disaster. A college hookup the one and only year I’d attended. He’d been all talk and barely a two-pump chump.

The other had been a temp job with a fiery end. That was more hate fuck with a side of stupidity. Also more amazing in theory than in execution. I’d only ended up with bruises on my ass from the desk and no orgasms to be had.

“I’m sorry, huntress. I didn’t mean to overstep.” He took a step back.

Obviously, I’d taken too long to answer. Lost in the morass of the many mistakes in my past, I’d given him the wrong sign. Or maybe it was him moving back that gave me the courage to turn around and grab his hand. “One night. No repeats.”

He turned back to me. “No repeats? Not even tonight?”

I swallowed. Could a guy actually go more than once without passing out? I’d thought that was just in books and movies.

I lifted my chin. “As many times as you can fit in one night, handsome.”

He opened his mouth. I went up on my toes again and shut it for him.

I didn’t want to know his name. I didn’t want anything but a crazy night that would make this shitstorm of a week better. I had to stand up with my sister tomorrow and make everyone think I wasn’t the world’s worst fuck-up.


If I was going to make a crazy mistake, at least this guy seemed like he might make it worth the trouble.

Either way, I was about to find out.



All that mattered was doing my job well.

I had to make coffee. Everyone at work had an order and I had to get them right.

New girl.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance