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Now I was here. And I was going to make the best of it.

I moved to the gigantic window, the best selling feature of the apartment—okay, the only selling feature of the apartment—and smiled at the view. The building was at angle across from the lake, and from up here, I could see the brightly colored sailboats merrily bobbing along the water. There was one of my students from last year, Sara Wilkes, running along with her puppy’s leash in one hand and a kite in the other on the grassy area near the gazebo. Her mother stood nearby, chatting with a few other women about her age. Her friends.

That was what I needed. A bunch of girlfriends. I had some in Turnbull, mostly teachers at my former school and a few women I’d known in high school, but no one especially close.

I didn’t have a best friend. Well, I’d sort of started calling Sage my best friend in my head, but I didn’t tell her that because it was probably creepy. We hadn’t known each other all that long and she already had a best friend. But she was definitely the closest pal I’d had in…well, ever.

Yet another reason I’d wanted to move into the town proper. Along with a new view to wake up to every day, I wanted to find a peer group. But not in those words. That was teacher speak.

I was looking for a bunch of bad-ass bitches who didn’t think I was a weirdo for feeling sorry for my ex and sleeping with him instead of just, I don’t know, sharing a pizza and commiseration over his grandmother. Instead I’d shared my nether regions and…

Sigh. My stomach was growling. I shouldn’t have thought of pizza. The diner was just down the block, and maybe Sage was working—

Duh, she so was not. She didn’t work Saturdays anymore, not since she had a smoking hot husband and a little one to get ready for.

Two things I would probably never have.

Pizza, however? That I could make happen.

I sat down bare-legged on the still sawdust-y floor and grabbed my purse to dig out my phone. I swiped it on and blinked at the flurry of texts from Ally, Sage’s real best friend. She was super nice and seemed to have her hands full with her baby boy and a little girl who’d been in the other kindergarten last year. We didn’t know each other that well, but we’d hung out a bit recently after Sage had introduced us.

We’d also chatted at the dinner after Sage and Oliver’s Vegas wedding. As much as we could anyway, considering the night had been fun chaos mixed with some Sage-sized pandemonium.

Still, Ally and I were only acquaintances at best. Perhaps that would change.

Already smiling, I read her texts.

Hey there, hope it’s ok I’m texting you. I got your number from Sage. Well, she didn’t give it to me. I stole it.

My smile turned into a frown. Hmm. Okay. My interest was piqued.

I’m planning Sage’s surprise baby shower. She has no idea I’m doing it. I’m actually tormenting her a little, making her think I just haven’t thought of it. Is that mean?

Seemed a little mean to me, but hey, Ally had figured out how to have a best friend and I was just in the newbie stages, so what did I know?

I kept reading.

I want it to be a total surprise for her. Something special. She so deserves it. But her fretting about details while I’m trying to make it awesome is stressful. Performance anxiety & all that.

I nodded even though Ally wasn’t in the room. I so understood.

Also, this might’ve been the longest series of texts I’d ever been involved in, and I hadn’t even responded yet. Hell, I didn’t even know where I fit in.

But now Alex is sick. You remember my son? Laurie is too. Plus, dear God, I think Seth is also. I have to reserve the space this wk. The place I had in mind is booked & I tried a couple other spots but everything is reserved. Poor planning on my part, I know.

I winced in sympathy. Aww, poor Ally. She had way too much on her plate.

Unlike me. Other than work, which did keep me pretty busy, my plate had room for a full course and then some.

Pity party for one. Table in the back.

Rolling my eyes at myself, I continued reading.

Now I’m sneezing too & I have a fever. That’s probably why I’m sending you these crazy texts. But can you help? Pretty please? I’ll owe you forever. I know Sage thinks of you as another bestie.

My eyes filmed over. It was probably just part of buttering me up, but that was so sweet. I was already onboard with whatever she needed. She didn’t even have to throw the best friend cherry on top.

If you can help, I’ll send over my lists so far & maybe you can take over? I’ll jump back in and help in whatever way you need. I’m sure we’ll be better in a few days so I can think again. But dear Lord, man flu is the worst. You’re single, right? So lucky. Talk later. TYSM!

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance