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Saying absolutely nothing.

I came down the steps behind her and taking advantage of her surprise, swooped her up again and set her on my hip. “It’s a giant sandbox.” I walked around the edges of the mostly contained mounds of sand I’d had trucked in on a whim yesterday while Laurie was at Pre-K. I’d had to pay outrageously for it, as well as call in a few favors, but I now was the proud owner of a shit-ton of sand that would be hauled out tomorrow at great personal expense. Not to mention all the furniture in this room had been shoved in the spare room and would need to be brought back out again.

Too bad Laurie was frowning at the giant, cool-as-fuck sandbox as if she didn’t get what it was.

“See, look.” I put her down outside the sand and bent to grab one of the oversized beach balls I’d added to the sand. I tossed it across the sand and it got stuck, so I leaned forward to grab it—

And my mischievous child saw fit to push me into the sand, letting out a huge squeal of laughter.

“Think that’s funny, huh? You rascal.” I darted forward on my knees and snatched her

up, lifting her sideways and holding her over a big pile of sand. “Maybe I should push you in the sand too.”

“No, no, Daddy, no!”

The door upstairs opened and closed and footsteps sounded on the stairs. I turned, still holding my squirming kid, to see both Ally and the mother who’d asked me out on the phone, Tina, gaping at me.

“You filled your entire family room with sand?” Incredulously, Ally hurried down the rest of the stairs and hiked up her dress to pick her way around the sandbox. “You do realize how impractical that is? How you’re never going to actually manage to get every grain out, and it’s going to embed in the floorboards.”

“There’s safety rubber underneath.” I glanced past her at Tina. “Hi there. Is anyone manning my grill by any chance?”

“Yes, Mr. Robinson from down the street took over. Tina was worried about you. Said you guys were in the midst of setting up a date when the phone disconnected.”

Oh fuck.


“Then we heard squealing and hurried down here.” Ally bent gingerly to push one of the inflatable beach balls across the sand. “I can’t believe you did this.”

First time of many I had a feeling I’d be hearing that today.

I righted Laurie in my arms and gave her a quick hug. “Your friends are here. Why don’t you go back upstairs with Mrs. Johnson while I talk to Ally?”

“Okay.” As soon as I set Laurie back on her feet, she scampered off, scattering sand. Then she spun back around and charged up to me again, gripping me around the legs. “Thank you, Daddy.”

It came out sounding a little like Tank Eww, Dabby but close enough.

Though Tina held out a hand for Laurie, she was staring fixedly at me. “I hope we can continue that conversation later, Seth.”

“Actually, it’s probably good if we don’t.” I smiled at her to soften the blow. “I’m actually committed to someone right now. But thank you for your interest.”

It was a toss-up which one of the women gave me a more scathing glance.

“C’mon, Laurie,” Tina said. “Let’s go upstairs so you can say hi to everyone in your pretty dress!”

Laurie trotted along after her, chattering happily.

The door shut behind them, and Ally kicked one of the beach balls hard enough that it nearly took out the TV on the other side of the room.

“Committed right now? Like this instant? You should’ve given her an end date. Don’t want her to get discouraged and give up too soon.” Ally aimed for the other beach ball and did the same thing, this time nearly missing the one lamp we’d left behind because it was also on the opposite side of the space. Lawrence had some serious leg power.

Which wasn’t hot at all.

Not even a little bit.

I scratched the back of my neck. It wouldn’t do to seem pleased by this recent turn of events. Being stupidly overjoyed that she was jealous was simply not appropriate. I should be ashamed.

I might be tomorrow.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance