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“It is what it is. She wanted a house on the lake, and it was all I could afford on my meager salary and what she had in the bank. It was enough for us.” My bedroom had been little more than a closet, but my mom had been happy her last few years and that had been all that mattered.

“A new company is looking to build family houses on the lake to beef up the rentals for the season.”

“The Kennedys kind or…?”

He nodded. “The middle income kind of families. I’m not completely against what they’re doing.”

I broke off a corner of my toasted cheese and popped it in my mouth. “That’s great. You know this town relies on seasonal visitors. Though I’m glad they’re not just making mansions.”

His eyes glittered. “No.”

I knew Seth and his brother had been working hard to keep Crescent Cove from turning into the Hamptons part two. They were probably the only reason half the coast hadn’t been razed and turned into huge houses and overpriced hotels.

But the Cove was a mix of wealthy and working class. Just the way I loved it. Though I wouldn’t mind being one of the wealthy someday.

And maybe if I could get the house sold and get back to even I’d have at least a chance at some kind of future besides drowning in debt.

“What’s the offer?”

I listened to him drone on about the sale and the banks. I swallowed when he opened the folder and slid a printed page my way. The sale price wasn’t as good as I’d hoped, but it would cover what I needed it to.

It would leave me with a big fat zero in my bank, but at least it wasn’t a minus sign.

Right now that was glorious and I was calling it a win. I folded the paper in half. “Thank you, Seth.”

“Don’t thank me. I’d rather you walked away or haggled for more.”

I lifted my chin and pushed my plate away. “Do you think I’d actually get it?” He opened his mouth. “Without doing upgrades and all the things you wanted me to do to the house?” He shut it. “I thought so.”

“Fuck.” He slumped in seat a little. “I don’t like any of this.”

“You don’t have to like it. Just make sure I don’t get too screwed and be my friend. Simple things. It’s all I really need.” I put my leg out and twisted my ankle to show off my splattered shoes. “And a new pair of sneakers. Which I need to work to pay for. Just let me know when and where to be to sign the papers.” I started to slide out of the booth.

“Your fifteen isn’t over yet.”

I paused.

“Almost. Fifteen minutes goes quick. You know that.”

He pressed his lips together and his eyes flared with something. I didn’t even want to think about what they flared with. It didn’t happen often, but there were moments when I wondered if he thought about other, less platonic things when it came to me.

But it was much easier to file those moments away as aberrations and fantasies.

“Just one more thing.”

“It’s never just one more thing with you.”

“You’re killing me, Al.”

“Right back atcha, buddy.” Exasperation was the word of the day. When he leaned forward, his dark eyes were a little too serious. I straightened and pulled my hands away from my plate to land in my lap. I twirled my thumb ring as a sudden chill climbed up my hairline.

He leaned forward, suddenly earnest. Too earnest. When Seth Hamilton acted solemn, he was up to something, and chances were high I wouldn’t like it.

“Will you have my baby?”



Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance