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Good sign? Bad sign? Impossible to say for sure. She might’ve returned the signed version, or she could be plotting to throw it in my face. With Ally, one was never certain.

Just another thing I loved about her. Platonically loved. Like a friend I had sex with.

Great sex.

“You’re not interrupting,” I said to Ally. “You know you have a standing invitation. Just a second.”

I returned to my phone call. “Thanks so much, Shell. Gotta go.” I clicked off without finding out if Shell’s one thing was to announce Ally’s impending arrival.

It didn’t matter. I’d deal with anything else later. Like next year.

“It’s the middle of the workday. I should’ve called first, but—”

“No need. Standing invitation,” I repeated, rising and coming around the desk. I met her at the door and closed it, using the wood for support as I indulged in a nice long look at her. “You look incredible.”

It wasn’t an exaggeration. Her dark hair had been left long and loose, flowing down her bare back. She had on a red sundress type thing that showed off her breasts and narrow waist, not to mention her long legs that went on forever and ended in strappy red sandals.

Even her toenails were a dark, vampish red. My tongue tingled. I’d never been one for sucking on feet, but for her, I just might start.

Her cheeks reddened. Seeing Ally blush was a new thing. I liked it. A lot.

“Thanks. Had the day off today, so I figured I’d wear something fun.” She walked toward the windows, checking out the view from this floor as she always did.

The building that contained Hamilton Realty had a primo view of the lake, and today the sunshine was dappling the restless water. It was breezy today, and the whitecaps proved it.

“Day off? Imagine such a thing.” Feigning nonchalance, I sat on the edge of my desk.

No part of me was nonchalant around her, not anymore. Not after we’d had the most amazing sex of my life and all I wanted was to do it again. And again.

Oh, and maybe have a baby with her. Even that paled in comparison to fucking her.

Of course the insistent pressure in my cock was making everything pale in comparison to sex right now. Not just sex. Sex with this gorgeous, funny, intelligent, perfectly imperfect woman.

“Then Jean called off and Sage is probably going to get stuck working a double, but she was insistent she needed the money.”

“I thought she was set financially from her parents. The Hummingbird’s Nest always did well. They certainly got a nice check from the sale of the property.”

I frowned. Why did I care? Sage was a nice girl, and I didn’t want her to struggle financially, but her family wasn’t exactly poor. At least I didn’t think so. Her parents had sold their B&B and retired to the west coast, leaving their sheltered only daughter on her own.

Working at a diner. Hmm. So yeah, maybe they hadn’t left her as much as I thought. Not my business though.

Ally shifted away from the window, standing sideways so she was framed in sunlight. “It did, but Sage wants to make her own way. A loft on the lake doesn’t come cheap.”

“I should know,” I said drily, “seeing as I brokered the sale.”

“Yes, real estate guy extraordinaire.” She fingered her arrow necklace. “Is your father back yet?”

“Later today supposedly. Al, why are you here?”

A wrinkle formed between her brows. “I thought you said I had a standing invitation.”

“You do, always. But you’re fidgeting and you’re holding that folder and c’mon, you don’t really care where my dad is. You’ve never liked him.”

“More like he never liked me. I wasn’t good enough to be friends with you.”

“He never said that. Not once.”

“But it was heavily implied. And of course he’d wonder what you saw in me. Our worlds couldn’t be more different. We just happened to land in the same classroom in the same high school and somehow we ended up here.”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance