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“Okay. I’m heading down.” Sage picked up her bouquet, stood, and looped her arm around my waist. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks.” My eyes misted. “Now go, before I start bawling. You know all it takes is a stiff breeze these days.”

Sage fanned her face. “Right. No tears. At least not for a few minutes.” She blew out a breath. “Was the pier always that long?”

I laughed. “Yes.”

“At least we’ve got two hotties to look forward to at the end.”

“Yes. Well, at least one.”

Laurie wrinkled her nose. “Ew.”

Sage shook back her blond hair and checked her earrings. “Here we go.”

My mouth went dry as she walked over the uneven ground in her stilts. I had no idea why Sage was suddenly interested in fashion and things like heels, but she pulled off the look.

As for me, me and my ballerina flats were going to do this long walk.

I tightened my hold on Laurie’s hand. “You sure about this?”

She nodded. “I can’t wait for Daddy to see your pretty dress.”

“Then let’s do this thing, huh?” I bent down, wrinkles in my dress be damned. I kissed her cheek. “I’m so excited to be marrying your dad.”

“Me, too!” Laurie moved forward, tugging me after her. “Let’s go.”

There was no slow processional down the pier. White and red daisies dotted the railing with lace snapping in the breeze. I didn’t really get to take it all in. In fact, I didn’t even get to catch my breath before Seth came into view.

He took a step forward, and his brother yanked him back.

Seth lifted his fisted hand to his mouth and the shock and happiness on his face tumbled every nerve out of my body. Laurie and I nearly jogged down the pier to get to him.

To get to my very happily ever after.

I glanced down to the daughter of my heart and then to the man who’d owned it since I was fifteen years old.

Sage took the bouquet I forgot I was holding and then it was Seth’s hand in mine.

The preacher behind Seth cleared his throat as he looked down at Laurie. “Would you be giving this beautiful bride away?”

Laurie squeezed my hand and looked down at her feet, then up at her father. She nodded. “I would.”

Seth crouched down and held his arm open. “Thank you, Munchkin.” She launched herself into his chest and he gathered her up against his hip, and never let go of my hand. He turned to me. “You’re so beautiful.”

“I love you so much.” I leaned in to rub my nose with Laurie’s. “Both of you.”

His eyes were red-rimmed as he brought our joined hands to rest on the little life between us. I sniffled and laughed then all three of us turned to the preacher.

“We’re ready.”

Are dirty hot rockstars more your speed? Especially the babymaking kind?


Never trust a cold condom.

Wait, let me back up. I'm Kellan McGuire, and I'm a rockstar in hiding, at least for the weekend. Enter Maggie Kelly, the famed Kelly virgin - AKA my small hometown's favorite good girl.

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance