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“And let you run again? I think not, lady.”

“I’m never running again.”

I lowered her to feet. Mostly because I was afraid I’d do something stupid in the dark and drop her. No way was I ever going to let anything happen to her. I took her knapsack and stuffed the test back in and put it over my shoulder, then turned her around and slapped her ass. “Get going, we’ve got a test to take.”

She dashed forward and we both ran up the stone steps to the house. When we reached the back porch stairs, I couldn’t wait any longer. I scooped her up at the threshold and rushed through the house, depositing her in front of the bathroom door. “Okay. Go, you know. Do whatever it is you do.”

“What if I don’t have—”

I pushed her into the bathroom and turned on the taps full strength. “Need a glass of water?”

She slapped at me and took the bag before shoving me out the door. “Neanderthal.”

I paced outside the door and was sort of glad that she left the water running. Not that her peeing on a stick was weird—much. I mean, I did have a kid. Bodily functions were just part and parcel of my day.

But this was a really important stick.

She opened the door and I spun around. “Well?”

“Five minutes, buddy.”

My shoulders slumped as she dried her hands. “That’s forever.” I looked down at my watch and set the timer.

She grinned and walked into my space. “Then maybe we should make out for a few minutes.”

“Well, I can certainly do that.” I lowered my mouth to hers and slowly drew out the kiss. I tried to concentrate on the little things I knew she liked, but I kept sneaking glances at my watch.

She plowed her fist into my belly. “You’re incorrigible.”

I rubbed my ribs. “Ow. I can’t help it.” She tried to hide behind her curtain of hair, but I saw the nervous smile peeking through. “You want to know just as bad as I do.”

“No, I don't. Well, maybe. What time is it?” She grabbed my wrist. “It has to be time.”

“It’s only been three minutes.” She dropped my wrist. “Ugh.” I tried to loop my arm around her waist but she wiggled free. I lifted her off her toes. “Seth, don’t try to distract me now. You had your chance.” She couldn’t stop laughing. “What time is it now?”

“Twenty seconds later.” I banded my arms under her butt and lifted her until our mouths lined up. I stared at her as our lips met. “It doesn’t matter what it says.”

She looped her arms around my shoulders. “No?”

I shook my head, but then my timer started beeping and she scrambled down and we both raced to the bathroom. She elbowed me out of the way and grabbed the little plastic wand.

“What does it say?” I said over her shoulder.

Her hand flew up to her mouth.

I banded my arms around her waist as we stood in front of the stick. “It’s okay, Al, we’ve got—”


I swear I went blind and dumb for a full ten seconds. “What?”

“Positive.” She twisted in my arms. “I think we’re having a baby.”

I crushed her to me.

“Seth, the stick.”

“Who cares. I’m getting that sucker framed. My girl said yes, and the test said yes. Best day ever!”

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance