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My vision wavered when another one went up. Then another. A succession of them lit up the cove and kept on coming.

“Well, finally.”

I tried to turn back to Oliver, but I couldn’t pull myself from the display. “They’re beautiful.” And I should be enjoying them with Seth, not locking myself away in the little shame-shack his family owned.

We’d spent hours here as kids. We told each other secrets, we even confessed a few dreams, and shed some tears. But this was our past. And out there was our future. Those hearts had to be a sign.

I stepped forward, then stilled, clutching my arms around my middle.

“Stop fighting it. Why the hell are you so afraid?”

I whipped around. “You’re one to talk, Oliver Hamilton. I don’t see you getting caught up with anyone.”

“No one has ever mattered enough.”

“No, you never let them matter enough.” I was breathing heavy. But he was right. I’d let fear rule my life for long enough. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. I know how it is to hide.”

Oliver’s chin lifted. “There’s a difference, Alison.”

I tilted my head. So much Seth in him and yet, not nearly the same. He put Laurie first—put me first in so many ways. Maybe Oliver would finally get that someday.

But now I had to trust in Seth. And myself. “I’m going after him.” I grabbed my bag off the chair.

“Hallelujah.” Oliver lifted his arms then waved to the window. “He even gave you a map for once.”

“Huh?” I hooked the huge hobo bag over my shoulder and made sure I had my wallet, keys. My fingers brushed the early pregnancy test at the bottom of the bag.

“The fireworks. He said he was going for the fairy tale.”

My eyes flooded. “He did? That’s him?”

“God, you guys are so dense. Of course it’s him. Even if he paid to put hearts in the sky, you still question it?”

I dashed away tears with my wrist. “Guess he should have taken out a skywriter.”

“I’ll tell him to do that next.”

I laughed and jangled my keys. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” I swallowed down the nerves threatening to slow me down. “It’s time to go get my man.”




I ran through the cabin and out the front door. My fingers shook as I got in the car and tried to get my

keys in the ignition. I saw more sparks through the trees and the fireworks floated higher into the sky with each explosion.

The white made the crinkly fuzzing sound that made my skin crackle in reaction.

Another heart speared the sky.

Then a succession of three.

For all of us?

The family we made?

Tags: Taryn Quinn Crescent Cove Romance