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I could see where Luc got his sang froid from. His mother narrowed her eyes at me, her lips firmed into a thin line, but she held out her hand without missing a beat. ‘Miss Lawrence. How interesting to meet you.’

A curtsy was clearly in order. I did my best, found a smile from somewhere. ‘Lady Radcliffe.’

We all sat down again. Lady Reece remarked, ‘I believe Miss Lawrence is a connection of yours, Lady Radcliffe.’

‘Very, very remote,’ I said.

‘So I believe,’ Lady Radcliffe said. ‘I understand you have taken a house in Hill Street, Miss Lawrence. I must call, of course.’

I mumbled something and took refuge in a lemon tartlet. Clearly Lady Reece had not obtained the reaction she had hoped for, so the conversation turned to mutual acquaintances and recommendations for hairdressers. Chloe contributed her share of the conversation, I stayed silent in the hope of becoming invisible. Luc was going to go spare when he found out about this.

The hands of the clock crawled round. Twenty five minutes since we had arrived… Finally Chloe put down her cup and stood up. ‘Thank you so much, Lady Reece, such a delightful tea. So good to see you back in London, Lady Radcliffe. Miss Reece.’

‘Mrs Forsyte, Miss Forsyte, Captain Darfield.’ The butler ushered in the newcomers. There was a flurry of greetings as we made our way out.

I had regained the hall and my breath when I heard the cut-crystal tones behind us. ‘And I really must be on my way too, Lady Reece. So nice to see you again. Goodbye.’

One could hardly sprint down a long marble hallway under the gaze of a butler and two footmen, but I did my best, Chloe at my heels.

‘Miss Lawrence.’

I stopped, the front door almost within reach, and turned. ‘Lady Radcliffe?’

‘You will drive with me, Miss Lawrence.’ It was, in no way, a suggestion.

‘I regret, but Lady Turnham shares my carriage.’

‘Yes, I thought I saw Garrick outside.’ So, she hadn’t been surprised after all. ‘He can take Lady Turnham home or to her next call. I am sure she will excuse my desire to get to know a… connection, however distant.’

‘Of course. And there is no need for Garrick to transport me,’ Chloe said. ‘I have my maid with me and my next destination is just around the corner. Such a lovely day for a walk. Goodbye, Cassandra dear.’ She lent in to kiss my cheek and murmured, ‘Good luck.’

‘Most obliging of you, Lady Turnham.’ They shook hands and we all stepped out. ‘Garrick,’ Lady Radcliffe said, ‘You may follow behind my carriage.’

‘My lady.’ It was his turn to roll his eyes as her footman helped her into the smart town coach. There was a burly young man in home-spuns sitting up behind with the groom – one of the under-keepers, I guessed.

I followed, wondering where we were going. Did she intend to take me to confront Luc, or, Heaven help me, decide she would give me a lift back to my supposed house in Hill Street, the one I’d never seen, with the address I

had forgotten?

The faint hope that she’d a maid waiting in the carriage was banished as we sat in the plush interior. I took the seat opposite her so we could look each other in the eye. ‘Are you related to our family in any way, Miss Lawrence?’ she enquired.

‘No, Lady Radcliffe. Not in any way.’

‘Honest, at least. Or perhaps intelligent enough to know that story will not wash. My son tells me you are not his mistress.’

‘I do not discuss my private life with strangers, Lady Radcliffe. What your son chooses to tell you is his business.’

She gave me a long, hard look, then a nod of what looked surprisingly like approval. ‘Are you involved in these deaths?’

‘In investigating them, yes.’

‘A most unusual thing for a young lady to be doing.’

‘I am an unusual young lady,’ I countered. ‘Are we going to play – ’ I almost said ping pong, ‘ – pat-ball back and forth until we arrive at wherever we are going? Lucian and James know who I am and where I am from.’ And when. ‘I care very much for both of them.’


‘In their different ways. I do not care what preferences a man has, only that he is a good man. And I know how to keep my mouth shut when it might endanger a friend.’

Tags: Louise Allen Science Fiction