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She vanished.

“Fool!” said Abaddon. “You can’t frighten her. She’ll be able to escape until you gain her trust enough to touch her with the stone.”

Vindrake turned his furious glare on Abaddon. “What did you call me?” He stretched out his hand and began to squeeze. Abaddon clutched his neck, struggling against invisible hands, dropping to his knees. Alora reappeared and Vindrake pulled his arm back. Abaddon fell to the ground, thrashing and gasping for air.

“Father, I just want to talk to you. I’m not used to violence—it frightens me.” This time Alora was positioned where Kaevin could see her face. He tried to catch her eye, to warn her away from Vindrake, but she never looked in his direction.

“Yes, Daughter. I understand. I’ve had a propensity for violence in the past, but I’m trying to change. I’m just so alone.” His face drooped, and his eyes were downcast. “I have no family—no one at all. No one but you.”

Her chin quivered as a small smile appeared. “That’s what I thought, Father. I thought if I could help you, you could find a way to live in peace with others.”

“Yes. Yes, I think I could. I have enough wealth, enough power. But my entire kingdom is nothing to me without family. I love you, Lena.” He took a step toward her. “May I?” he asked softly, holding out his hand. “May I hold my daughter’s hand for a moment?”

“No!” Kaevin croaked, from his parched throat. He had to stop Vindrake from touching her with the stone. He thrashed about and felt the belt shift on his hips.

But Alora didn’t hear him, or she ignored him. How could she be so foolish? Hadn’t she learned anything about Vindrake? She took a step toward him and held out her own hand. He clasped her hand in both of his and spoke.


He stepped back with a relaxed smile. “You will come with me to my kingdom, Lena. When you see all the glory awaiting you, you will learn the value of strength. You will soon progress to despise the weakness born out of sentiment and emotion.”

“I’ll come with you, if I know you’ll leave Kaevin unharmed.”

“Don’t listen to him,” Kaevin croaked. “He only wants to use you.”

“Shut up!” said Vindrake. “No spawn of Graely will speak against me to my own daughter.” His arm moved in a blur and another finger snapped.

Kaevin couldn’t help but scream in pain. But this time, Alora screamed with him.

“No! Don’t hurt him!” She stepped closer to Kaevin.

“Get away from him, Lena,” said Vindrake. “Tonight will be your first lesson. You will learn not to be soft.” He stretched out his hand toward her.

Even though Kaevin longed for her touch, he tried to send her to safety. “Go! Please! He’ll only hurt you!”

But she knelt down and placed her hands on his face, and they were gone.

Alora sobbed even as she kissed Kaevin’s blood-caked lips. “He hurt you. He hurt you. I’m so sorry.”

Someone cut the ties off Kaevin’s hands, and he screamed at their touch. “What’s wrong? Where are you hurt?” demanded Arista.

Laethan was examining his hands. “Glare it! How many fingers are broken, Kaevin?”

“Four on the left, and two on the right. But he didn’t hurt my thumbs.”

“I can brace them, but they’ll probably never heal correctly,” said Laethan.

“How did you transport me? I was chained in iron.”

“I opened your lock,” declared Arista. “Nordamen put some cloaking on me that made it really hard for anyone to focus on me. He said it was almost as good as being invisible.”

Alora felt her pain receding as her lips touched Kaevin’s again. The relief was so incredible, she managed to ignore Laethan’s condemning stare.

“I think I need to go back and help. Right, Kaevin? Nordamen told me not to come back. But I can’t leave them there when I could help.”

“You’re not going without me.” Kaevin struggled to his feet.

“Wait a minute. You’re injured, and I haven’t even treated you yet.” Laethan’s scowl deepened.

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy