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Somehow, despite her fears, Alora believed her uncle would make it happen. Maybe his hugs can still fix everything.

Chapter Eleven

Kaevin tried to stay on guard through a haze of pain. The sharp stones poked into his side as he lay on the ground in the middle of a clearing, his hands still bound behind his back. How long have I been here? Time blurred in his mind. It seemed as if Vindrake had been questioning him forever. So far, he’d avoided giving Vindrake any new information about Alora. He hadn’t revealed her true name or where she lived or the fact they were soulmates. He had to be truthful with every answer, because Vindrake could detect any lie. Although Kaevin hadn’t repeated his error after his first failed attempt at lying, Vindrake had broken two more fingers. How much can I bear before I break and tell him what he wishes to know?

“Let me ask a few questions, Sire.” The man Vindrake had called Abaddon, approached as Vindrake strode back and forth before Kaevin’s crumpled figure, spitting out loud curses. “Perhaps a different tactic would help.”

“Yes, ask your questions. I will observe to be certain he tells the truth.”

Abaddon loomed over Kaevin, smiling with satisfaction. Kaevin didn’t have the strength to flinch away from a swift kick in the shin. A cry escaped his lips before he could stop it.

“You don’t know where she’s been hiding all these years?”

“No,” Kaevin panted. “I don’t know where it is.”

“But have you been there?”

“Yes, but I don’t know how to find it. It’s a long way from here, and I really don’t know where it is. She simply transported me.”

“What is the name of the place where she lives?”

“She lives at a ranch.”

“Aranch? I’ve never heard of this place.” Abaddon glanced at Vindrake.

“Yes, his words are true,” Vindrake confirmed. “But we need to find this place.”

“Why does it matter?” asked Kaevin. “She’s going to come to you, right? And you’re going to let me go in exchange?” In his heart, he knew the exchange would never take place. They would kill him as soon as they could secure Alora. At least if that happened, Alora would die with him, and Vindrake wouldn’t be able to use her.

“Of course, you’re right. But if she should decide you’re not worth her effort, we wish to have knowledge of her location.” Abaddon stroked his beard. “Tell me about her gift. How much has she mastered? What is she able to do? And who’s been training her?”

Kaevin was slow to answer. It would be best if they underestimated her abilities. “I’m not certain what she can do. She only came into her gift a few weeks ago,” he replied truthfully. “She had one or two short lessons with Raelene.”

“What have you seen her do?”

“Well, I saw her make some mistakes. She accidentally took me somewhere. And then she managed to bring us back.”

Abaddon nodded. “Yes, that is to be expected. A new bearer will make many errors.”

“Has she done anything extraordinary?” Vindrake’s voice quivered with excitement. “I think she must be quite powerful, being my daughter.”

He pondered the question while the pain throbbed in his hand. What could he say without revealing anything of import? “She transported some kittens. Well... one of them transported, but the other one she gave up on and ran after it. But I’m sure she’ll get better soon.”

“Let me be specific,” Abaddon said, evenly. “Can she transport someone away from herself?”

“The first two times she transported me to her, I went directly back. But Raelene said it was some kind of automatic reversal.”

“That is to be expected,” said Abaddon. “But why were you spending time with Vindrake’s daughter?”

He prayed his face would not betray him as he skirted around the truth. “She... she transported me by accident, and she didn’t know how to send me back.”

“Is he telling the truth?” Abaddon asked Vindrake.

He nodded in response. “I detect no lie. Why do you ask? Is there a problem?”

Abaddon’s eyebrows knit close together as he glared at Kaevin. “Graely was obviously looking for the girl, and we had reports she rode her horse to meet him. Yet Kaevin has been to her hiding place, and says he doesn’t know where it is. Someone isn’t telling the truth. He must know where her home is located.”

Vindrake rose up, glaring at Kaevin menacingly. “Are you lying to me somehow?” Kaevin screamed as he felt someone squeezing the already broken bones in his throbbing hand. “Ahhh! I’m not lying! I swear. I have no idea where she lives. I even tried looking on a map. Glare it! I’ve only transported to and from there. Please! I swear!”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy