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Nordamen quickly relayed her warning to the others. Alora gagged, and her sense of dread grew as she gazed above the forest. “What is that?” she croaked, as three large wretched winged creatures materialized in the air.

“Wendts!” said Nordamen. But before he could call out a warning, Morvaen gave a long high whistle. Suddenly, Alora saw an arrow protruding from the side of one of the monsters. The creature let out a blood-curdling scream, but continued its flight. Another arrow joined the first, and the wendt began to lose altitude. But still it flew determinedly toward the canyon. Finally, a third arrow lodged in the wendt’s neck, causing the animal to fall heavily from the sky. Alora looked high up the opposite canyon wall, where Wesley and Arista were already nocking their next arrows. Meanwhile, the other two wendts continued straight into the canyon, screeching and baring sharp teeth.

Alora’s eyes were drawn to the rear of the canyon as shouting cut into her consciousness. The four horsemen who’d passed through the canyon earlier rode back with arrows flying toward any who were exposed on the rocks. Jireo lifted his shoulders above the rock and let fly an arrow, taking down one of the horsemen. Another of the four screamed and fell as a knife lodged in his eye. Alora saw one of the horseman’s arrows had found its mark, lodging in the side of a young man Alora remembered transporting from Laegenshire. She quickly transpor

ted the man to their sheltered area, and Beth ran over to tend his wound. Charles, who’d been watching in a state of semi-shock, rushed to kneel beside Beth and provide what help he could.

Raelene smiled approval to Alora. “This is very helpful, Alora. Can you move that young woman down there? She’s slumped behind that rock. I don’t believe you know her, but perhaps you can see enough of her.”

Alora peered down, but she could only see the girl’s legs. She couldn’t get a fix on her in order to transport her.

“Laerona! Look up!” called Raelene. The girl leaned forward and gazed up toward Raelene’s voice. As soon as Alora saw her face, she moved her up to the overhang.

Alora heard a scream as one of the wendts swooped down to snatch one of the remaining horsemen, flying away clutching him in its talons, and bending its sinuous neck down to tear at him as it flew. Overcome by the horrifying sight and the agonized screams, she ran to the side, vomiting her breakfast. Raelene handed her a water skin and patted her back, but urged her back to their responsibilities.

Regaining her composure, she hurried back to peer over the rock. She arrived in time to see the third wendt attacking two Stone clansmen who were defending themselves vigorously. Their sword cuts had weakened the creature, although it was undeterred in its quest for human flesh. As it rose up in the air, preparing to dive again toward its target, two arrows lodged in its body—one in the neck, the other in the head. The wendt dropped dead on the rocky wall, and the two men waved relieved thanks to Wesley and Arista.

Shouts erupted as the canyon road was invaded by more of Vindrake’s men. The arrows seemed to fly a more accurate course from the newly arrived horsemen, and several more clansmen were wounded. Fortunately, Alora could see them well enough to transport them to Beth’s first aid area. Soon Beth was working frantically and directing Charles as well.

Alora looked down to discover the ledge where Graely, Kaevin and Jireo were standing almost overrun by Vindrake’s men. Graely threw two knives that lodged in the throat of one man and the eye of another. Jireo and Kaevin took out four men with arrows. But now it seemed all Vindrake’s men were converging on their position.

Suddenly one of them reached Graely, using the dead body of another as a shield. He stabbed out with a short sword, and Alora saw Graely bend over in pain as the sword penetrated his side. As the man grasped Graely by the arm, Alora acted on instinct. She moved Graely up to the ledge, but Vindrake’s man arrived with him. His eyes lit up as he spotted Alora, and he grinned wickedly. He dropped Graely and took a step toward her.

“Master Vindrake will be so pleased with me,” he said, as he reached out toward her. She took a step back. She could see Nordamen moving out of the corner of her eye, but she didn’t wait for rescue. With all her might she let her desire fling him across the canyon to slam high against the canyon wall, where he tumbled lifelessly to the ground.

She slumped to the ground with relief. But then, realizing what she’d done—that she’d killed a man—she began to shake. Raelene hurried to put a comforting arm around her, but her attention was drawn to Graely. He was groaning and holding his side to tamp the flow of blood. Nordamen quickly pulled a vial from his shirt and poured several drops onto the wound. Graely’s body went limp as he passed out.

“What did you do? Was that a magic healing potion?” asked Alora hopefully.

“No,” Nordamen shook his head. “The potion only slows the flow of blood. There is no magick healing potion.”

“I can take him to Laegenshire!” said Alora. “To Laethan.”

“Do it!” said Beth, kneeling on the ground by Graely, her face pale with fright. “This is beyond anything I can fix.”

“Take him, and come back immediately,” said Raelene. “The attack seems to be over, but we may still need you.”

Alora knelt beside Graely and put both hands on his arm. Immediately, they were in Laethan’s healing house. Laethan exclaimed at the sudden appearance, but quickly rushed to tend the wound. “Will he be okay?” Alora asked, biting her quivering lip.

Laethan never looked up from his patient. “I cannot say. But you did the right thing, bringing him to me quickly. At least he has a chance.”

“I have to go back,” she said.

He nodded. “I know. Go quickly. You may need to bring others.”

Alora returned to Raelene, who faced Alora and placed her hands on her shoulders. “Alora, can you transport Kaevin here?”

“Why? Is he hurt?” Her heart hammered in her chest as she searched for him in vain on the ledge below.

“Alora, just bring him here,” said Raelene.

“But I just tried!” Alora said, tears streaming down her face. “He didn’t come. Why didn’t he come?”

“Try again,” said Raelene.

“I am! I’m trying! With all my might!” Alora began to sob. “Is he dead? What happened?”

“He’s not dead,” said Raelene, flatly. “If he were, you would be dead as well. But... he’s missing.”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy