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but I think it’s from lack of sleep.”

Kaevin interrupted. “Father, wouldn’t it be best if Alora remained in Laegenshire during the battle? We don’t want her within reach of Vindrake.”

“You can’t order me around.” Alora narrowed her eyes at Kaevin and crossed her arms.

“I can’t, but Father can.” He returned a fierce frown.

“Son, we’ll be certain Alora is away from the thick of the battle. She can always transport to safety. My thought was to keep her with Beth, so if things go badly, they could both move to Laegenshire.”

“See you later, Kaevin. I’ve got work to do.” Alora gave Kaevin an I-told-you-so look. And she disappeared.

Kaevin found Beth near the campfire. “Hey, Kaevin. Did you see what Alora managed to do? She made three trips and brought nine more men with supplies and food,” she said excitedly. “And she’s gone back for three more.”

“That’s great,” said Kaevin sarcastically. “She’s going to be too exhausted to move herself to safety when Vindrake attacks.” He rubbed his forehead.

“Is your head hurting?”

“Yes, it’s been hurting all day. And it’s getting worse. I thought I might see if you had some potion in your magick kit.”

“Alora’s head was hurting, too. It’s probably the soulmate thing.”

“But we’ve been in contact today already.”

“Yes, but that was before she moved a fourteen hundred pound horse. And now she’s made a bunch of other transports. Didn’t we decide she drew power from your soulmate bond or something?”

“That mostly made us tired. This is much more painful.”

“I highly suggest kissing again.” Her lips curved in an innocent smile.

“She won’t even speak to me. I greatly doubt she’ll agree to kiss me.” He grabbed his head as a sharp pain hit.

“She’s transporting to Graely.” Beth gripped his arm. “You’d better go stand beside him and wait for her.”

Kaevin’s vision blurred as Beth led him, stumbling, to his father’s side.

“Just a moment, Kaevin. I’m discussing the placement of the wards with Morvaen and Nordamen. This might be a good opportunity for you to learn some strategy.”

Kaevin sank to the ground by his father’s feet, dropping his head in his hands.

“What’s wrong?” his father cried. “Are you sick again?”

Kaevin tried to answer, but the pain in his head flashed so intensely, he couldn’t form coherent thoughts. Finally, he croaked out, “Alora.”

“What about her? What about Alora? She’s due back any moment now.”

“She’s back!” said Morvaen. “And look—she’s brought four more warriors at once!”

Kaevin lifted his head in time to see Alora crumple in a boneless heap. He tried to call her name, but the ground rushed toward his face and knocked him out.

Chapter Nine

Nordamen rushed to Alora. “She’s overtaxed herself again! We’ve got to get her awake to eat and drink something.”

“That’s not it! It’s the soulmate bond,” Beth raised her voice to be heard over the exclamations.

“We’ve already explained this to you,” said Nordamen. “She simply needs nourishment.”

“Then how do you explain him?” Beth pointed to where Kaevin was passed out on the ground by his father.

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy