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“Sure. Why? Do you think they went somewhere else?”

“I hope not. But I think it’s possible.”

“Why? What are you thinking? Where else would they go?”

“To Laegenshire,” she said, as she began to pace. “I don’t have any real evidence, simply a feeling. When they came in to pack their belongings, Kaevin appeared extremely upset and worried, as did Alora. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. I thought they were perhaps having a little spat.” She stopped to look apprehensively at Charles. “But now, I’m afraid they might have gone to Stone Clan.”

“But wouldn’t they have come to you if they had concerns?”

“I’m afraid they don’t quite trust me, since I refused to support them in their claim to be soulmates. I tried to explain it to them, but I’m not certain they accepted my explanation.”

“I don’t understand what difference it would

make, whether you believed them or not.”

“They would correctly assume I would send Kaevin back alone, not risking Alora when she’s such a fledgling bearer. I’m afraid our home can be a very dangerous place. Alora’s father, Vindrake, is evil, and he has killed many.”

Charles swallowed an awkward reply when he noticed tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry about your daughter. She was very beautiful.”

“I forgot you met her.” Raelene turned her face away, blinking rapidly. “Do you mind sharing the story with me?”

“My wife and I were in Yellowstone National Park. We were off by ourselves when she just kind of fell onto the ground in front of us. She was holding Alora in her arms.”

“What did she say?”

“She begged us to take Alora and hide her from her father, but she didn’t say his name. We figured he was some kind of criminal.”

“And was she in pain?”

“I don’t think so.” He hoped he’d be forgiven the little white lie. “She was only there for like sixty seconds before she disappeared.”

Raelene nodded, wiping her coat sleeve across her face.

“This man … Alora’s father …”

“Vindrake.” Her lips curled in distaste.

“Vindrake. Why is he so evil, anyway? Is he some kind of monster or possessed by a demon or something?”

Her eyes focused far away. “No, I met him when he was young and his father was chief of Water Clan. The clans didn’t quite trust each other, but we weren’t at war as we are now. He was a quiet, handsome boy and quite gifted. He stood behind his father, emulating every gesture. It was so sweet. Something happened to change him. I don’t know—perhaps it was the death of his father and brother. But his evil is so strong now, it’s palpable.”

“Do you think he’s so evil he would hurt his own daughter?” Something sick and heavy landed in the pit of his stomach.

“Yes, I believe he’s capable of anything.”

“Now that co-ed camping trip doesn’t sound so bad.” Had he driven her to this by refusing to accept her relationship with Kaevin? He had to do something—he couldn’t bear to lose her. “What can we do? Can’t you go and fetch them back somehow?”

“There was a time, in my younger days, when I could do that. But I’m afraid my time has passed.” He saw tears puddling in her eyes. “My heart has a really bad feeling.”

She didn’t resist when he pulled her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her, while blinking away tears of his own. “They’re smart kids. Maybe they’ll be okay.”

“But she’s too young, too immature to make the decisions she needs to make. And she’s never faced this kind of danger. Kaevin, at least, has grown up with it.”

“She’s all I have left. I can’t lose her. I refuse to let that happen.”

They stood crying together until the cold seeped through their coats. Then they returned to the warm house, which felt strangely empty.

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy