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“I heard it,” Kaevin said. “When Jireo yelled, I heard it and I felt it too. And then Alora accidentally transported us. Well the first time, it was an accident. Actually, I intended to take us to a practice place this time, so this transport was an accident as well.”

“I don’t understand your meaning.” His father frowned, either from confusion or pain.

“The important part is I’m here. I came to help Jireo, and my friends came to help as well.”

“Uhmm, can they put those knives away, now?” asked Wesley.

“He has weapons,” the burly man objected. “And his eyes are blue.”

“These are my friends, Morvaen,” Kaevin explained, “and eye color doesn’t mean anything in Montana. Wesley. Beth. Alora. That’s Morvaen, and this is Nordamen. He’s the chief shaman I was speaking of, the one who might have some answers for us.”

Kaevin’s father nodded at Morvaen and Nordamen, who lowered their knives while keeping wary eyes on Wesley.

“Can I look at your shoulder?” asked Beth, coming forward with her medical kit. “I’m Beth, and I’m an EMT. Well, I’m not officially licensed or anything, but I took all the classes to be an EMT.”

“I’m Kaevin’s father, Graely,” he said, wincing as she took the bandage off his shoulder. “What’s an eemtee?”

“She’s an apprentice healer, Father.”

“I would have guessed you were Kaevin’s father. You look just like him. Oh, this looks deep—into the muscle. I’ll just do the best I can. But I’ve got some medicine in my kit that could help.”

“How did all of you get here?” asked the man Kaevin identified as Nordamen.

“Alora transported us, but she let Kaevin guide us here. It took a few tries, but the kissing really helped. That was my idea,” Beth proclaimed the fact in a proud voice.

“Three trips? That quickly?” he asked.

“No,” said Wesley, “just one trip.”

“That’s impossible,” said Nordamen. “No experienced bearer can bring three others on a transport, much less a novice, having fifteen years.”

“Well, Alora did,” said Kaevin.

“Can you swallow pills? Are you allergic to any medications?” asked Beth.

“What’s ‘pills’? And what’s... the other thing you said?”

“Never mind. Just put some water in your mouth and swallow these. One is to prevent infection, and the others are for pain and swelling. I had to leave my scissors at home. Can one of you guys with a knife come cut this bandage for me?”

The large, lumbering man jumped to help Beth, responding to the authority in her voice, despite her diminutive stature. She activated a cold pack and used an Ace bandage to secure it over Graely’s shoulder wound. Alora watched in fascination as Beth worked, chattering on about something. But her voice sounded as if she were speaking from inside a tunnel.

“Alora? I assume that’s who you are?” She felt Graely’s inspection, grateful for the dim light hiding her blushing cheeks. What must he think of her? The first time he laid eyes on her, she was making out with his son. “I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you. And you’ve been very quiet.”

He spoke in a gentle soothing tone, but his image blurred before her eyes. She frowned, attempting to focus on his smiling face. Taking a step toward him, her head swam and her legs buckled. To her shock and embarrassment, she fell to her knees. Her vision narrowed.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” The words emerged from her mouth in a slushy slur.

The world shifted as Nordamen lifted her in his arms. “How many transports have you done today? Have you had food or drink?” He lashed out at Kaevin. “Are you not taking care of her? You know using your gift drains your energy. And if what you say is true and she moved all four of you multiple times, it’s a wonder she’s still conscious!”

He set her gently on the ground near Graely. “I’ll be back with bread and a skin of water.”

She stretched her shaking fingers toward Kaevin, and he clasped her hand.

“I’m sorry, Alora. I should have known you’d be weak from bearing us so many times.”

“I’m better already.” She smiled, squeezing his hand, and turned to Graely. “It’s nice to meet you, sir. I hope I can be helpful.”

“I’m not waiting any longer.” Jireo stamped his foot. “I’m going after Arista with or without help.”

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy