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“You can go, even if I don’t. I’m sure you’d have fun with Beth and Wesley.”

“I’d prefer to be with you, whether or not I’m at the dance.”

“You barely know me, Kaevin. You said you love me, but you don’t even know who I am. For all you know I’m evil like my father.”

He flinched at her words. “I do know you, and you’re nothing like him. And I didn’t speak those words of love lightly, so I refuse to take them back. I believe love is a commitment. If you don’t like the fact I love you, that’s unfortunate. Because I will continue to do so, and nothing you do or say will change it. I will love you until we die.”

“And if I decide to try to talk to my father and influence him to change?” she asked, crossing her arms and jutting out her chin.

“Then I will love you until we die, but our time together may be shorter.” He felt his throat constrict. “Honestly, I don’t know if there’s any way to keep you safe, unless we both hide here in Montana. And that’s not the kind of man I am. I can’t hide from my responsibilities. But I don’t know if I’m the kind of man who can sacrifice the one he loves for the good of the clan, either.”

“Oh, Kaevin—”

“There you are,” Raelene interrupted. “Come, come! We must be about our training. Kaevin, I’d appreciate if you’d allow us some time alone. We have much to learn.”


Graely listened to Jireo’s account with growing apprehension.

“Could you see their eyes?”

“I thought their eyes were green, but I can’t be positive. The only light was the campfire and the moon.”

“You’re confident they didn’t see you?”

“I’m not certain, but I believe if they’d actually seen me, they would’ve checked the road. Since Surefoot was still tethered where I left him, I assume they weren’t aware someone overheard their conversation.”

“Good... good,” Graely mused. “I simply don’t know how to interpret this.”

“There’s something else you should know. I overheard the council discussing the strangers’ visit. No one seemed to believe her, but Alora thought one of the men was Vindrake. Perhaps they have some kind of disguise?”

“That seems highly unlikely,” Nordamen remarked. “Bardamen, at least, would have detected such a mask. But somehow these men must be in league with Vindrake. Ow! Morvaen, you stepped on my foot! Can you not be still for a moment?”

“Sorry. I have too much energy to sit down.”

“The council sent me to tell you Raelene now believes Alora and Kaevin are quite some distance from here. She spoke with them before Alora transported them back. Raelene says you should begin your search beyond the mountain pass.”

“Then we must make haste through the passage,” Graely said. “If it’s true these men you observed are in league with Vindrake, then he must be aware of Alora’s existence, although they are inquiring about a girl of a different name. It is unlikely there would be two missing girls of fifteen years.”

“I forgot to tell you one of the men spoke of Lena being Raelene’s granddaughter.”

“Then there can be no mistake.” Graely groaned. “He knows about Alora, although he doesn’t know her rightful name. It’s imperative we reach her before Vindrake finds her.”

“But what if she and Kaevin transport back to Laegenshire?” asked Jireo.

“If that happens, it will mean she has gained control of her gift. And if she had control, she could transport herself to safety. The real danger lies in Vindrake finding her before she can protect herself.”

“Raelene said it will take a long time for her to gain full control.” Morvaen continued pacing. “I assume that’s the reason she and Kaevin almost drowned in whatever freezing lake they were in. We must reach her before Vindrake does, to provide protection while she’s training.”

“Now what are we to do with you and your sister?” Graely asked Jireo.

“I’m sorry about Arista. I couldn’t send her back alone.”

“We can’t take them with us,” reasoned Morvaen. “They have no choice but to return to Laegenshire.”

“Perhaps being so young, they will not raise suspicion with the enemy search party,” said Nordamen. “If it were only Jireo, I wouldn’t worry. But with his sister along, I’m reluctant for them to travel alone.”

“And if they are stopped and questioned?” asked Graely.

Tags: Tamie Dearen Alora Fantasy