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“I’m engaged. We’re getting married in August.”

“Wow, man, congrats. Does she know you’re a two pump and dump chump?”

“Screw you man, I was fifteen when that happened.”

“Still a great story,” I laugh, shaking my head and tipping my cup back. “See ya later.”

“Hey, is that your girl?” he calls out behind me.

“Yeah she is,” I reply over my shoulder with a big ass grin on my face.

Bracing myself for what I’m about to walk into, I make my way back to where Annamae is still talking Savannah. I don’t know what she’s telling her and I don’t want to know. Either way, if I have to spend the rest of the night reassuring Savannah that Annamae doesn’t mean anything to me, I will. I just pray that Annamae ain’t filling her head with a bunch of nonsense. Our time is short as is and I want a drama-free summer with this girl by my side.


Watching Tyler is quickly becoming a favorite habit of mine. That is, until my vision is blocked by Dolly Parton. I look up and smile at the girl in front of me. She’s country through and through. Or at least what I’d consider country. I know I bought cowboy boots, but I drew the line at the hat. If I’m going to wear one, I’m taking it off my own cowboy.

“You must be the Savannah I keep hearin’ so much about?” Her hands are on her hips with her hip jutting out so that her leg extends to the side. Her toe taps and I’m not sure if it’s to the music or if she’s trying to assert herself somehow. For all I know, she’s Jeremiah’s girlfriend.

My brows furrow at her tone. “That’s me,” I answer plainly.

“I’m Annamae. I’m sure you’ve heard all about me.” I shake her hand out of curiosity. I’m not here to make enemies and really don’t want Jeremiah pissed off at me. As is, he’s sporting a shiner because of me. But the fact is I have no idea who she is.

“Nice to meet you,” I put forth. It wouldn’t be so bad to make friends while I’m here, even if soon I’ll be in the City of Lights, sitting in little cafés and sipping on a cappuccino. Looking over her shoulder, I see Tyler heading back to me and can’t help the smile that’s building the closer he gets. I can see a gleam in his eye when he makes eye contact with me.

My lips part as he hands me one of the red cups. Tyler places his arm on my shoulders as he pulls me closer to him. Our lips meet automatically, both of us knowing that we needed to connect, even if it’s just for a moment. I can’t explain it and I’m not sure I even want to, but I have this never-ending tingle whenever he’s near and it only intensifies when he touches me. I never want it to stop, but know the end is near. I’m going to have to figure out a way to have him and Paris in my life and I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to manag

e either.


Tyler sort of pulls me partially behind him, as if he’s shielding me from something evil. I place my hand on his chest while my cup filled with beer rests near his hip. He tips his head to Annamae in a friendly gesture.

She steps forward, too close for my liking. I look at Tyler, who shakes his head ever so slightly. He lifts his cup to his mouth and takes a long drink. The sight of his Adam’s apple moving mesmerizes me for some reason.

“So y’all together?”

I look up at Tyler and wink. He smiles and kisses me briefly, yet another habit that I’m starting to really enjoy. I could really get used to the type of treatment.

“I see you’ve met Annamae?”

“Did you tell her about me, Tyler?” she asks. I’m not even able to answer his question before she butts in. Apparently her presence in his life is important, at least to her.

“I’m sorry, he didn’t,” I shake my head slowly, trying to suppress a smile. Clearly, she feels as if she’s an important part of Tyler’s life and he doesn’t because he hasn’t mentioned her. Yet, she felt the need to come over and make her presence known. Shame I don’t feel it’s needed.

Annamae huffs and glares at Tyler. I want to slink back and hide from her daggers, but I stand firm. Clearly she’s someone in his life.

“I’m his fiancée,” she all but yells. My arms stiffen and I drop my hand from his waist. He quickly clamps his hand down on mine, holding it to his chest. Before I can say anything, he’s speaking.

“Ex, Annamae, and we were never engaged. You made the decision that I wasn’t good enough for you and shacked up with the landscaper. I don’t know what you’re tryin’ to pull here, but it ain’t gonna work. Savannah doesn’t need to listen to your lies. Go find Rufus, he’ll entertain ya.”

My mouth drops open slightly and Tyler just shakes his head. He motions for us to sit down and I take the lead, pulling his hand into mine. He sits down first and pats the spot between his legs, which I gladly take. I lean back, settling in his arms. My body sighs when he drapes his arm over me. When I look back at Annamae, she’s in the arms of another man… Rufus, maybe? Either way, it doesn’t matter. I’m all too aware of women causing drama when it’s not needed.

“I’m sorry about Annamae.”

“No need to be sorry,” I reply.

“We dated for a year until she met Rufus. Things didn’t end well.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Romance