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Kimberly thinks about my question for far too long until my mouth is dropping open in disbelief. Maybe Rebel was right and we truly need to work more.

Then she flashes a grin. “Just kidding. I thought you guys were great. Natalie and I were dancing backstage. I loved your performance.”


“No but.”

“I sense a but,” I tell her.

She shakes her head before resting it on my shoulder. I use this to my advantage and press my lips to her skin, nipping along her collarbone until I’ve reached her ear. She shies away.

“Tell me,” I beg, whispering into her ear.

Kim looks at me and shrugs, trying to hide the smile from her face. “It’s weird, seeing you onstage and knowing that we’re in a relationship. I honestly never thought I’d be dating a member of a boy band.”

“So don’t think of us as a boy band,” I suggest, trying not to laugh. I’ve said the same thing many times to the guys, but let’s face it—we don’t play instruments, we dance around in choreographed moves, and we sing fucking pop songs. If that doesn’t scream boy band, I don’t know what the hell else would.

“I don’t think of it as a bad thing,” she tells me. “I mean, when you’re onstage and moving your hips”—Kim leans in, her lips grazing my ear—“it does things to me. Watching you onstage gives me a feeling that I can’t describe. My body aches, begging for you to touch me, for your lips to kiss me, and for your—”

“Commercial break. Please take your seats.” The announcement causes me to jump, and the words quickly deflate the stiffy that was growing in my jeans. I feel like sending a memo to my dick that it should just stay hard when Kim’s around, because I’m bound to get it more action soon. The up-and-down sensation from being hard to not is no fun.

“You’re evil,” I tell Kim, but she shrugs as if she did nothing wrong. We head down the hall, following the gofer they sent to retrieve us. The dim hallway gives me a chance to discreetly adjust myself before we enter the auditorium. I know the people in the audience will look, even stare, because I’ve done the same to other artists when they’ve entered the auditorium in a rush to get to their seats before the commercials are over.

I take the outside seat, letting Kim sit next to Natalie, with Brayden next to her and finally Carson. I sneak a look at Brayden, who is focused on the stage. His hand rests on his knee with his index finger aimed slightly at Natalie. I don’t know how long he’s going to keep up the charade that they’re just friends, because I can see through his bullshit. Natalie, on the other hand, is angled toward Kimberly, making me wonder if she’s put Brayden in the friend zone.

Kimberly is angled toward me, as close as she can possibly get with the armrest in our way. When I look at her, she bites her lower lip, and her lust-filled blue eyes return my gaze, telling me that she’s going to welcome my advances when we get in the car later. That dress she’s wearing will be around her waist the second the car door shuts and that sweet pussy of her will be wrapped around my dick, keeping it happy for at least an hour.

Chapter 23


Bodhi tells the driver to take the long way to the after-party before he pushes the button to raise the privacy panel. I don’t bother trying to pull down my dress when I sit, and indeed, before the driver even pulls out into traffic, Bodhi’s freed his cock from the confines of his jeans and begins stroking it, knowing how much I like to watch.

His thumb lightly grazes over my parted lips. The next swipe has a little more pressure, and this time my tongue sneaks out, wetting the pad of his thumb. He lets out a low growl as my eyes go from his down to his arousal. I lick my lips as wetness begins between my legs. I can’t wait any longer and straddle him, sliding my tongue over his lips as I do. The sensation of him filling me is too much to handle, causing me to cry out.

“That’s it, baby, ride my cock.” Bodhi slouches down, giving us a better angle, and plants his foot against the other seat, giving him more leverage to thrust into me.

The top of my dress is pulled down, and one breast is covered by his mouth and the other by his hand, with his fingers tweaking my nipples. My hands move everywhere—his hair, his face, his lips, his ches

t, and back again—as I try to satisfy the desire I’m feeling.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he coos. “You’re enough to keep me high, Kimberly.”

That’s what I want. I want to be the one he needs to stay clean. I grab at my breast and throw my head back as my orgasm takes over. Bodhi pulls me forward and slams into me as hard as he can until he’s grunting and releasing inside me.

“Mr. McKnight, we’re pulling up now,” the driver says through the intercom.

Bodhi reaches over and presses the intercom button. “Thanks. Give us a minute, please.”

I slide off him and grab a few tissues to clean myself as discreetly as possible. Once my dress is righted, I checking the mirror to make sure I don’t look freshly fucked. I’m a little surprised that we did all that and my lipstick still looks flawless.

“We fucked with no foreplay,” I tell him.

He chuckles and kisses my shoulder. “I’m always hard, you’re always wet. Match made in heaven, if you ask me.”

I can’t help but laugh at him. Maybe this is all someone needs in life, amazing and spontaneous sex. But that gets you only so far in a relationship.

Once we both look presentable, he tells the driver that we’re ready to get out of the car.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Virtuous Paradox Romance