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He takes my words wrong and waggles his eyebrows at me. “You know, if you bend over, I can fuck you and not even mess up your hair.”

The thought excites me, but before I can answer, one of the staff calls him over the intercom, telling us that the car is here. He takes my hands in his and gives me a once-over. “Fucking killing me, Ms. Gordon. My dick is hurting already.”

Chapter 22


Word must’ve traveled fast that my mother was seen today with someone who might possibly be my girlfriend, because as soon as we step out of the house the paparazzi are yelling my name and saying, “There she is.” The gate keeps them off the property, but they’re still close enough for us to hear and see, and they get the shot they need, which is me walking Kimberly to the car with my hand on her back.

“Bodhi, new fling?” one of the paparazzi says before we enter the car. This makes Kim’s step falter, and I almost trip over her.

“Keep moving forward,” I say to Kim. She does and reaches for my hand as she’s about to step into the car. From my vantage point I can see just enough of her ass, and while the thought appeals to me, it also puts me on high alert. I’m going to have to keep her away from the fuckheads tonight, and I wasn’t planning on having to do that.

The car takes off, and the paparazzi rush up to the windows in hopes of getting a picture. I sort of like the attention, especially because it means the world will know that I’m off the market. Kim’s hand travels up my leg absentmindedly, causing my dick to strain against the buttons of my jeans. I take hold of her hand and place it on my crotch, getting her attention.


“What?” I shrug and raise the privacy panel between us and the driver. “He can’t hear or see anything. Not to mention he works for my parents, so he won’t say anything. We could fuck in the car and he wouldn’t even know.”

Never in my life have I seen someone as beautiful as Kimberly or been so aroused by a woman’s mere presence. She could wear a garbage bag as a dress and I’d find it sexy. Her short dress is molded to every curve of her body; her blond hair is curled to perfection and resting on her shoulders. I want to say fuck it and take her right now, but I don’t think she trusts that no one will see us. It’d be so easy to whip my dick out and have her sit on me. Fuck, even thinking about it has me engorged and needing a release.

My hand squeezes hers as the car turns the corner in front of the venue and the fans start screaming. They have no idea who is in the car, but they don’t care. It’s someone they want to see. Our car is in front and in the one behind are Brayden and Carson. I had requested that Kimberly and I arrive in a separate car, rather than with the two of them; Rebel was clearly displeased, but the guys didn’t care.

As we file out of the car, the deafening screams pierce our ears. I hold on to Kim’s hand tightly as I wave to the crowd. It’s in this moment that I make my move. That I show her and everyone who is watching that I’m off the market.

Cupping her cheek with my free hand, I lean in and kiss her. The noise level is not lost on me. Before I pull away, I rest my forehead on hers.

“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” I tell her, meeting her gaze. “You have no idea what this dress, your hair, and your perfume are doing to me, but know this, Kimberly—I’m so in love with you.”

“I love you too. Now go to your fans before they maim me.”

I look her over once more and shake my head. “You and me, in that car after the show, whether you like it or not.”

“Is that a promise?”

I groan before saying, “Over and over again.” I take her over to the bodyguard we’ve arranged for; she and Natalie will stay near him while we sign autographs. When we’re on the red carpet, she’ll be right behind me, never out of my reach.

Questions from fans are thrown at us, all personal, which we don’t answer. We smile and ignore them, doing exactly what Rebel taught us. The three of us work the crowd like magicians. We pose for selfies, sign posters and pictures from magazines and random pieces of paper. Every now and again I look over my shoulder at Kimberly, and out of the corner of my eye I catch Rebel watching me carefully. I know bringing Kim isn’t what Rebel wanted, but it’s what I need. When I’m with Kimberly, I don’t worry about how I’m going to get through the day, or feel the need to numb myself. She makes me want to feel and experience with a clean and sober body what this opportunity is giving me. This is the first time I’ve done this fan thing with Virtuous Paradox without being high, and I have to say it feels pretty damn good.

The next set of stars arrives and the crowd goes crazy. When we get to the end of the barricades keeping the fans back, we go back to where Rebel is standing and follow her across the street. I hold Kim’s hand and tug her along behind me until it’s time for us to pose for pictures on the red carpet. There are a few taken with Kim, but most are done with just the three of us.

The publicist works the lines, securing us interviews while we pose for photos. They want us together, Brayden, Carson, and me, but also each of us by ourselves. I catch a glimpse of Kim and Natalie with bright, excited faces as they covertly point out some of the biggest stars in music and film. It’s endearing, but something she’ll get used to.

“Seems like the hype hasn’t died down and everyone still thinks we’re hot,” I yell over the noise into Rebel’s ear while she smiles at someone shouting her name. It’s crazy that she’s just as popular as we are, if not more. Musicians beg for her representation. And to think I almost threw it all away. She was afraid that if two months went by without the three of us being seen together, we’d damage our status with the fans. Boy, was she mistaken. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

“That’s because you are. Check your ego at the door, McKnight, and remember you were chosen because of your looks. Everyone will remember what you wore and how you walked the red carpet, so keep smiling and selling yourself with those baby blues. But don’t forget how little you cared about your appearance a few months back. These fans deserve what they’re seeing now, not that shit we had to look at. Tomorrow morning your faces will be all over the front pages of every celebrity magazine and website, commenting on your style.”

She moves away to greet the woman who is calling her name, leaving me stunned by what she said. I study them for a moment, watching as they kiss each other on the cheek and lightly hold on to each other’s arm while they chat. I feel a hand slide into mine and turn to find Kimberly next to me.

“Are you doing okay?”

I know she’s asking about my mental state right now. Is this a trigger? Do I want to run and find the nearest dealer? It wouldn’t be hard to find one if I wanted to, but I don’t. I feel great, exhilarated even.

I pull her close, cupping her cheek again. There’s no mistaking the frantic clicking noise as the cameras go off. I’m giving them an image they can sell ten times over, but for Kimberly and me, I’m giving us confirmation that we’re a couple.

“With you here,” I tell her, “I’m on top of the world.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Virtuous Paradox Romance