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“We try to watch what we say when Maggie is around,” I tell her as I remove my hand.

“Got it. But I didn’t think any of you had children.” Her statement catches me off guard. Why would she lump me in there? Does she truly think I wouldn’t tell her if I had a kid?

“Maggie belongs to my roommate, Natalie.” Brayden points to Natalie, who is still on her phone but has taken herself off to a corner. I frown, wishing she’d hang up and not be rude to my guest, but whatever.

“And she takes swimming lessons here,” I add. “But don’t worry, babe. Once she’s gone the f-bombs will fly.”

“And the beer will flow,” Carson adds. I didn’t want to insist that the guys hold back on their beer intake, but honestly it’s been hard for me to watch them drink while I’m staying away from the stuff. I wasn’t an alcoholic by any means, but when things were bad, booze and drugs went hand in hand, and I want to avoid the trigger. I’ve been clean for almost two months, and while that may not seem like a long time, it is for me. I can’t remember the last time I went this long without having some type of adult beverage.

“Come on, let me show you around,” I say to Kim.

“It was nice meeting you,” she says, waving as I pull her back into the house. To me she adds, “They seem nice.”

“They’re the best,” I reply.

I give her the quickest tour known to man, pausing only when we get to my bedroom door.

Opening the door, I let her walk in first. Sitting on my chair is her bag, already brought up by one of the staff.

“Bodhi, your bedroom is bigger than my apartment.” I let her walk around and explore, watching as her fingers trail over my dresser and she looks in my closet and the bathroom. Finally she comes back to find me sitting on my bed.

I beckon her with my finger, and she comes willingly. Her hands are on my shoulders and mine are on her hips pushing their way under her shirt. I lift it enough to kiss her tanned belly while her fingers move into my hair. The button on her shorts is undone with a flick of my fingers, exposing her white lace panties. I trace her hip bone with my tongue while my hands shimmy her shorts down her legs.

“Your friends are downstairs,” she whispers, as if someone can hear us. My room is at one end of the second floor, while my parents’ is at the other. So they wouldn’t be able to hear what goes on in my room, even if they were home.

“They’re always here, and they’re not going to care if I’m taking care of my girl right now.”

The next thing to go is her shirt, and the sight of her matching bra has me rubbing my palm over my growing erection. She stands back, just out of my reach, and unclasps her bra. The fabric dangles there, teasing the fuck out of me. I swallow hard, waiting for her to show herself to me. Her arms fall, along with her bra, and the cool air causes her nipples to peak.

Kim bends, pushing her panties to the floor. I stand and match her, dropping my swim trunks and kicking them away. I feel like I’m a teen again and about to have sex for the first time. We stand here, naked, taking each other in.

“Your pictures don’t do you justice,” she says as she steps closer, trailing her fingers over my chest and creating a maze that only she knows the exit to.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” I sit down and pull her to me so she’s straddling me. My cock jumps for joy, eager to be inside her.

“Are you sure your friends won’t mind?”

I shake my head. Even if they do, we’re not getting dressed now.

Kimberly leans back into

my arms, allowing my dick to move into position. I look down in awe as it disappears inside her.

“Motherfucker, that’s hot. You’re so tight.”

“Yeah,” she says as she starts moving her hips with the guidance of my hands. “God, I can feel you in places I’ve never felt before.”

She picks up momentum, rocking faster against me. Her soft cries and moans are making me harder, if that’s at all possible. I can’t take my eyes off her, enjoying the way her face morphs with pleasure. Kimberly is doing all the work, using me to get off, and I’m loving every minute of it.

“I’m going to come, Kimberly.”

“Me too.”

I bite down on her shoulder, hoping to hang on a bit longer. “No condom,” I whisper into her ear. If she cares, she doesn’t show it. Her nails dig into my shoulders and her whimpers grow louder. The frantic movement of her hips lets me know she’s close.

“Let me help you.” I massage her clit vigorously, pushing her over the edge. “Oh, fuck,” I yell out, grabbing her hips and thrusting into her as I find my release.

We collapse in each other’s arms, our hearts pounding and our breathing labored.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Virtuous Paradox Romance