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“I get it,” Bray says. “It’s like that with Natalie. She likes me for me.”

“Man, why don’t you just date her?” Carson asks before I can. For months Bray and Natalie have been dancing around each other—it’s obvious to me and Carson, though I guess not to the two of them.

Brayden kicks back on the couch, mindful to keep his boots off the sofa. “Nat’s just a friend, always has been. I thought about it back in college, but shit was odd. We had nothing to talk about because we know everything about each other. I want what’s best for her, and that’s not Maggie’s dad. The fucker is always in and out of their lives—it’s like a revolving door of ‘I love him, I hate him’ at my place.”

“You guys ready?” Rebel appears out of thin air interrupting us. She’s not scowling so I’m assuming the recording studio is up to her standards and will suffice until I’m ready to leave my parents’ house. For the time being, though, being here is the right thing for me. Everything I need is here, and if it’s not, my parents’ staff can easily get it for me. There are no temptations, no chance of me running into Aspen here, and the environment is safe.

It’s probably not ideal for the guys, but they seem to be okay with it. It’s a place to work, record, and relax by jumping in the pool when the day is over.

“We’ll be right there,” I say to Rebel. She looks at each one of us for a second before disappearing down the hall.

I turn to the guys. “This group means a lot to me, so anytime I’m being a douche or you suspect something is wrong, say something.”

“You got it,” they both say.

Chapter 18


I didn’t think I’d miss seeing Bodhi as much as I do. The feelings I have go beyond longing: my chest hurts, my mind is elsewhere and unfocused, my skin feels like a thousand needles are jabbing me at any given time, and I’m constantly hearing his voice even though I know he’s not here.

He sent me a text telling me that we’d chat later because he had to work. That was hours ago and I’m already that person who has rebooted her phone to make sure my messages are actually working because he hasn’t texted. I keep telling myself that he’ll text. He said he would, and I have to give him the benefit of the doubt. But the lingering voice in the back of my head reminds me that he’s an addict and thirty days was probably not enough for him.

Those thoughts are ones I should not have, not if I’m trying to have a relationship with this man. I should trust that he’s working and that when he’s done we’ll talk. I should be confident that he’s not going to lie or blow me off. But my confidence is wavering and I hate this feeling.

Not having a new patient to work with one-on-one isn’t helping. I spent most of my day mingling with other patients, doing arts and crafts, and checking my phone when I could. When my shift ended, I actually left work to retreat to my apartment, alone and longing for Bodhi.

As soon as I’m tucked inside my small sanctuary, I decide to call Daphne even though I want to call Bodhi. I don’t want to be that girlfriend.

“He hasn’t called,” I blurt out the second she says hello.

“Well, hello to you too, my best friend. How was your day at work? Mine was fantastic.”

Sighing, I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. This is stupid, feeling like this. I’m a goddamn adult and shouldn’t care if he calls or not.

“Sorry, D.”

“It’s okay. Open up, though, because I’m here.” The phone disconnects and a car door slams. I rush to the door and open it, taking her bags.

“What are you doing here? This is two times in a row, and you hate coming here.”

“The asshole above me caught his damn stove on fire and the fire department showed up, which I might add was a sight to see, except they drenched the floor and now my ceiling has to be replaced, so I’m your roommate for a few weeks.”

The thought of having Daphne here both excites and disappoints me. I love my best friend, but I want to spend time with Bodhi if at all possible, and if Daphne’s here, I’ll feel obligated to stay with her. I try to smile, but I have no doubt it’s a frown.

“No worries, sunshine. If you have to go get laid, I can fend for myself.”


She shrugs as she sits down. “It was here or my mom’s, and you know I’m not going there. You don’t have to entertain me, Kimmy. I’m a big girl, plus I snagged the digits of one of the firefighters.”

“I thought you were seeing the guy from the coffee shop.” Sitting down next to her, I pull my legs in underneath me.

“Eh, there’s something about a dude who takes longer to get ready than I do that just doesn’t sit well with me.”

I stifle a laugh, trying not to embarrass her. I have a feeling Bodhi takes longer in the bathroom than I tend to, but he’s worth dating.

“Well, I’m happy you’re here.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Virtuous Paradox Romance