Page 65 of Santa's Secret

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Aiden smiles and steps closer. “Because I filled in that night. I was Santa. I called you up to sit on my lap so I could get an idea of what to buy you for Christmas and you told Santa… well me, that you wanted me to choose you. Thing is, I chose you the day I pulled you over, and I’m here to ask for your forgiveness. I acted like a fool and I wasn’t thinking properly.”

“No, Aiden, I shouldn’t have done what I did.” I refrain from blurting out that I bought all those presents in case he’s tossed them out or given them away.

“True, but I overreacted, and I’m sorry. Please forgive me, but only after I tell you. Ever since Heather passed away, I’ve struggled to make ends meet. Men have pride when it comes to taking care of their families and when we can’t, well let me just say, it weighs heavily on us. So to walk in and see everything you did for us, I took it hard when I should’ve talked to you first about it.”

“I’m sorry I overstepped. I promise, it won’t happen again.”

“Do you forgive me?” he asks.

“Of course,” I tell him. “Do you forgive me?”

He nods. “I do, Laney.”

“Is it my turn?” Holly asks, jumping up and down.

“Yes, punky. It’s your turn.” Aiden pulls me farther into the living room where I can see the tree clearly.

“What’s her name?”

“Her name is Merry,” Holly says.

“Merry. I love it.”

“Me too, but this isn’t our surprise.”

“It’s not?” I look from her to Aiden. He shrugs even though I know he knows what’s going on.

Holly grabs my hand and makes me stand in a certain spot. She then crawls under the tree and pulls out a box before situating herself on one knee.


“Delaney, you’re the bestest person I know and I was wondering if you’d be my bestest friend?” Holly holds up a black box. I take it and open it. Tears instantly cloud my vision. Nestled inside the black velvet is a friendship necklace with both our names on it.

“Oh Holly, I would love to be your bestest friend.” I pull her into my arms and whisper into her ear, “I love you, sweet girl.”

“I love you, too.”

When she steps away, I gasp. Aiden is now on his knee with a box in his hand. “What’re you doing?”

“Open it.”

With a shaky hand, I push the lid open to find a beautiful gemstone ring. “Aiden?”

“It’s not much, it’s a start.” He takes the ring and slips it on my finger. “This is my promise to you, Laney, to build a foundation for us to strive together as a couple and family. I promise to always see both sides of the coin, and when I don’t, I’ll ask you for an explanation. Most of all, I promise to be your Fish and Santa when you need me the most.”

My hands cup his cheeks and I finally, after all these years, get to kiss this man knowing I never have to let him go, all while his daughter and my bestest friend cheers us on.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Romance