Page 26 of Santa's Secret

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“It’s cold here.”

No, hi Delaney or boss lady.


Calvin chuckles, but ignores me as he sets his bags into the back and instantly climbs into the driver’s seat. I fist pump, earning an odd look from the police officer who is standing by one of the two entrances with his head on a swivel, watching people go in and come out of the terminal. He probably doesn’t realize how happy I am to give up driving duties.

“We need something bigger,” he says as I slip into the passenger side of the car and buckle up. He puts the car into drive, but instead of leaving the area, he pulls into the parking garage and turns toward the rental return area.

“What are you doing?”

“Upgrading. I can’t drive around in this… sardine can.”

“It’s not that bad,” I say.

Calvin glares at me before getting out of the car. In a matter of minutes, Calvin has my cute little car emptied, keys turned in and us sitting comfortably in an oversized SUV, complete with tinted windows. If people hadn’t heard I was in town, they will now.

“Once you called, I made the arrangements to change the vehicles over,” he tells me as he follows my directions to the interstate.

“I figured as much.” I sigh and press the button to turn on the seat warmer. Truthfully, I’m happy to have something bigger, although I’d never be able to drive it. “I think you’ll like Ramona Falls.”

“Is it warmer?”

I laugh. “Nope, just as cold and we have a bunch of outside activities planned. We’re going to go ice skating, maybe build an igloo, definitely make some snow angels, and we’ll get you on a sled.”

“Mhm,” he hums.

“When’s the last time you saw snow?” I ask him.

“Years. I’m not a fan.”

“Neither am I.” But I’m happy to be back in Ramona. There’s something about being home that makes everything seem okay. To be honest, I haven’t missed Los Angeles, aside from the weather. I definitely don’t miss the fast paced life. “You know, I’m thinking of buying a property here.”

“You just told me you don’t like the snow,” he points out.

“True, but I like the solitude. It’s nice to drive down the road and know it’ll only take you literally twenty minutes to get to the grocery store. The lack of traffic is nice, and people don’t bother me here.”

“So what happened at the mall that prompted you to call me?”

“That was different. I think if I had gone with someone, I would’ve been okay. My mistake was thinking no one would recognize me, let alone have the mob mentality once they did. I fully expected to sign a few autographs and pose for some selfies, but… Anyway, Aiden was there and he helped.”

“The ex boyfriend?” Calvin glances at me and waggles his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes. “Sometimes I wish I had never introduced you to my brother. I swear you both are worse than women with your gossip.”

Calvin laughs. “It’s not gossip when he’s informing me you were accosted at the mall. If you hadn’t called, I would’ve shown up anyway.”

“You deserve a vacation, Calvin. And time with your family.”

He smiles. “You’re my family, Delaney. And it’s my job to protect you.”

I reach across the console and hug his bicep. I feel bad I’m tearing him away from his parents during the holidays, and fully intended to give him a month off. “While you’re here, I have a few things to do. One of them is the booth, as you know, but I’m also helping out with the festival play. I know Dom wants to spend time with you. He talked about taking you to Boston for a Celtics or Bruins game.”

“That’ll be fun.”

“Other than that, it’s mostly hanging out at my parents’ and strolling around town.”

“No singing Christmas carols, right?”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Romance