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And more silence.

Alex clears her throat.

“Coleman as in Coleman Hollister, the most eligible bachelor in the world according to People Magazine, Coleman Hollister?”

“Uh huh.”

“And you told lover-boy all about Coleman didn’t you?”

“How’d you know?”

“Because I know you, Hadley. You were upset about Ian and the hottie jailbait called and you spilled your guts.” I try not to smile when she calls Ryan jailbait. I should’ve called her first. She would’ve coached me on how to break the news to Ryan without having all this drama.

“Don’t call him jailbait.”

“Did you smile?”

“Yes, but still. Anyway, he’s not talking to me. He’s upset and I don’t blame him, but there isn’t anything I can do. Ian’s still pissed from the last time I took off to see Ryan and said I need this for my image. He’s threatening to tell everyone how old Ryan is.”

“He wouldn’t.”

“I’d like to think he wouldn’t, but I’m not so sure I can trust him to keep Ryan a secret. Besides, he’s already told Cole so it’s just a matter of time.”

“He told Cole?”


“Freaking shady.”

“Tell me about it,” I sigh heavily into the phone. I don’t understand why things can’t be simple.

“Here’s the thing. Your image, it’s fine. So what if one magazine thinks you went to rehab. You were gone for a weekend. It’s not like you disappeared for a month and you were spotted in Jackson. It’s not like there’s a clinic there. There’s only one image of you and Ryan and you can barely see Ryan. Someone would have to do a lot of digging to find dirt on you and him together. Ryan could totally play off the superstar crush that all the other guys out there have. I think Ian is up to something, Hadley. He’s dirty and sneaky. And why bring Coleman in? Unless he’s planning a bunch of staged publicity shoots and telling the media you guys are together, what’s the point?”

I hadn’t thought of it like that. I’d like to think my uncle wouldn’t stoop so low, but maybe he would. Maybe there’s more at stake than I realize. But Ryan's at stake for me. He knows this is my job and he accepts that, but I promised him time off and a special birthday and I’m not interested in breaking that promise to him.

“Do you really think Ian would do something like that?”

“In a heartbeat. Listen girl, something’s fishy. I’m not there and all of a sudden you have this tour with Coleman. Remember when you guys broke up and Ian made sure you were moved out as soon as possible. There were pictures of Coleman coming home with flowers, only to find a moving truck there. Staged, totally.”

“I don’t know. Ian says there have been a lot of rumors about me that he makes sure never end up in the paper. He’s making it sound like every time I take a misstep the media is making me out to be some type of drug user or something.”

“That’s such bullshit. You’ve never done anything stronger than aspirin.”

“I know that and so do you, but what about everyone else? Is that what people think of me?”

“Let me ask you something. Why are you doing this tour? Is it for your image or to keep your secret about Ryan?”

I think about her question for a minute. “A little of both, I guess. I want his mom to like me and I felt like I was walking on eggshells when we met, but also for Ryan. He doesn’t need people digging into his life.”

“Have you told Ryan about what Ian said?”


“Why the hell not?”

“I’m afraid.”

“Girl, I’m going to kick your ass. Tell him! He’ll understand.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Lost in You Romance