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Said trouble comes in the form of Leslie, my once best friend turned enemy in the sense she’s trying to get me to convert to her religion and denounce the existence of vampires. Even if I believed in her hokey crap, you can’t condemn an entity that the government deems exists. Vampires walk among us, with laws we both have to follow. Unless her church is planning to go on a vampire hunt, there isn’t anything they can do about it. The constitution has changed with the evolving times.

Still, I’m desperate to know more about Roman and where he came from. Five hundred years is a long time to be alive and roaming the earth. The jealousy within me wants to know about all the women he’s been with and whether they’re still alive. Did he turn them? Marry them? I mean, obviously, most must be dead unless they’re vampires themselves, and that’s one thing Roman hasn’t mentioned, vampire/vampire relationships. I’ve wanted to ask, especially where his friend Selene is concerned, but am afraid of his reaction. He says they’re friends, but is that with benefits?

What Roman’s done before meeting me shouldn’t matter, but it does. If he were human, he’d wonder the same about me. For all I know, he’s wondering now or just doesn’t care because he can sense how I feel about him.

Love… I’m borderline crazy in love with that man. And yes, he’s a man in every sense of the word. Except, he’s almost too perfect and yet wholly flawed. I hate that he doesn’t show emotion, that I can’t read him by his expressions and that when I roll over, I find him staring at me. At first, it was creepy, but now I’m used to it. It’s Roman’s way of passing an endless amount of time. According to him, he has nothing better to do than to watch me sleep. However, I love that he’s caring, tends to my needs and is a real gentleman. He holds me at night like any human man would. Kisses me tenderly, caresses me gently, and makes love to me passionately. Yes, it’s tough to fight the fact that I’m falling in love with Roman. Something I know my father will never accept and will disown me over. I’ve asked myself repeatedly if Roman is worth it. The answer is, yes.

With one last look at my appearance, I leave my apartment and head to my father’s. I called earlier and spoke to his wife, telling her how much I’ve missed her and how we need family time. The conversation about killed me, but I’m doing this for the good of the orphanage and Roman. I believe in his project and want my daddy to do the right thing by granting his license.

Outside, my driver waits in the valet line and has the door open for me as soon as I step out of the revolving door. I remember, when I was a kid, I used to play in those doors while my father was gambling. This one time, the door became stuck and wouldn’t budge in either direction. I pushed and pushed, but to no avail. It was hotter than Hades, and I couldn’t breathe, nor could anyone understand me due to the loud sounds of Las Vegas. At any given time there’s music playing, slot machines chiming, people yelling, sirens, and valets whistling for taxicabs. The bellhop thought I was messing around until I started to pass out, and then everything became serious, and he used a metal stanchion to break the glass. It took me a long time before I ever walked through one again.

“Where to, Ms. Weston?”

“My father’s house, please.”

The driver heads toward the house I grew up in, leaving the bright lights of the city quickly behind us. When I chose to go to college in California, my dad was irate and demanded I stay here. It was mostly because he didn’t want to be alone and he didn’t think it was acceptable for a young woman to be five hours away from her father. He’s a firm non-believer in letting your children spread their wings and grow. Thing is, if I hadn’t left, he probably wouldn’t have met his wife. Not that I’m a fan, but she seems to make him happy, unlike the last one or my mother.

My childhood home is a sprawling mansion, set behind a massive rock wall and large wrought iron gate, which bears too many crosses to count. According to my father, he’s had the house blessed, which is meant to keep vampires out. Whether it works or not, has yet to be seen. I don’t foresee my dad inviting the undead over to see if they can cross the threshold, although I’m tempted to bring Roman over sometime when my dad isn’t home, I’m also afraid that whatever my father has done could hurt the man I’m falling in love with.

The new Mrs. James Weston opens the door and holds her arms out to me. Behind my sunglasses, I roll my eyes and happily play along with the woman who is only a few years older than I am. “Fiona, darling,” she says in her old world accent as if she’s from someplace other than Vegas.

“Hello, Catherine.” She used to be Kate with a K, but when Prince William married Catherine, Kate changed her name to be more regal. Didn’t help.

“Your father will be so delighted you’re here.”

Setting my sunglasses on top of my head, I step into the house I once called home. Every time a new wife moves in, the hallway in the foyer changes. It used to be flowers when my mother lived here, then turned to purple, to white and now it’s some pinky cream color combination. “Yes, I can’t wait to see Daddy.” I wink, knowing how much she hates it when I call my father, daddy. “Speaking of, where is he?”

“In his study.”

“Thanks.” My heels smack down hard onto the marble floors. I don’t bother knocking when I reach the ornate door. It’s pointless, really. James Weston is sitting at his desk, with his feet propped up, smoking a cigar. “She’ll kill you, you know.”

“Fiona, I’m surprised to see you here, considering…”

I sigh heavily. “Daddy, I’m an adult, and you should’ve called before you came over. What you saw--”

“He was trying to kill you.”

Shaking my head, I realize it’s futile to argue with him, but I have to try. “He wasn’t, and I heard your stance on my relationship with him loud and clear, but I need you to remember, I’m an adult and can be with who I want.”

“Over my dead body, Fiona.”

“Daddy, you're ridiculous. You don’t see me whining about you marrying some harpy who is only a few years older than I am, do you? How do you think that makes me feel?”

My father stands and slams his fists on his desk. “No child of mine will give herself to an abomination. Do I make myself clear?”

I have to do something quickly or Roman’s idea, which is brilliant and amazing, will never get noticed. “Yes, Daddy. Can we talk about something else?” Like how I have no intention of obeying your archaic rule?

“Of course, sweetheart.” And just like that, my father has gone from Hyde to Jekyll in no time at all.

“I have a proposal for you. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before.” I set the portfolio down in front of my father, who has sat back down. He opens the cover and starts reading. It took me days to retype Roman’s proposal to make it my own. This is the only way I know my father will say yes and give Roman the permit he needs to run the casino. I want Roman to succeed, to help those children and the homeless so much that I’m willing to do whatever I have to to get my father to sign on the dotted line.

I pace the room while my dad continues to read and look over the bluepri

nts. Catherine interrupts us and tells us it’s dinner time. “Not now,” my dad says, waving at her to leave the room. “Shut the door behind you.” Maybe paradise at the Weston house is ending sooner than I think.

After what seems like an eternity, my dad closes the file and rests his hands on top of it. “Where did you get this?”

“It’s mine,” I say automatically. “I have a silent investor, willing to fully fund the project.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Clutch Fantasy