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“Yes, I looked at their websites before we came and wrote everything down. They have tastings and are open through the holidays. I’d love to go with you if you want the company.”

“I’d love that, Aunt Josie.”

“I’m in,” adds Nola. “That’s if I’m invited.”

Elle looks at her oddly. “As if we’d leave you behind.” She turns and looks at her sister. “You?”

Peyton shrugs. It makes me wonder if it’s because Noah will be here soon or if she’s still suffering some PTSD from her accident.

Elle groans. “Seriously? Beca

use of Noah?”

Peyton looks sharply at her sister. “He can’t ski when he’s here, so if we all take off for a girl’s day, he’s left alone unless one of the guys stays behind. So, excuse me if I decide to stay back with my husband.”

Just then, the door opens, and all heads turn toward whoever walked in. The chattering voices of Betty Paige and an unfamiliar voice fill the air. I glance at Josie, who shrugs. “I forgot to mention we have a visitor.”

“Mack!” Peyton exclaims as she stands and goes to him. She pulls Mack into her arms. “What are you doing here?”

Mack glances at Josie, who says, “I’ll fill them in. Why don’t you and Paige get ready? We’ll go into town and pick up some pizzas.” Mack nods and heads down one of the hallways. Once he’s out of sight, Josie takes a long sip of her wine and starts talking. “Nick and Aubrey are getting a divorce. She’s taking Amelia back to South Africa, and Mack is staying in Beaumont. We originally invited Mack to come after Christmas, but Nick asked Liam if we could bring Mack with us now.”

“Does Noah know?” Peyton asks.

Josie shakes her head. “I don’t think so. I doubt Nick confided in Noah that his marriage is falling apart.”

“No, but we would’ve taken Mack,” Peyton adds.

Josie smiles. “That’s very sweet of you, but we both know that’s not feasible. Mack’s doing very well in school and excelling in his sports. Nick doesn’t want Mack to give that up. As long as Mack is in Beaumont, Liam and I will make sure he’s taken care of.”

“Wait, can you go back to the Liam part?” Katelyn asks.

Josie laughs and rolls her eyes. “It seems Nick found Liam at the water tower a few nights back and told him everything. He asked for our help, and Liam agreed.”

“Whoa,” Katelyn says.

“I know,” Josie adds. “I don’t think they’re besties just yet, but maybe.” She laughs. We all know Liam and Nick Ashford will never be best friends. Cordial, yes. But anything else is pushing it.

“I think I’m in shock,” I say. “Liam has allowed his daughter's crush to come on holiday with her?”

“He’s a changed man.” Josie laughs. “Actually, it took some prodding at first. Like I said, Mack was going to join us after Christmas, which would give him a day or two with Noah. But then Nick . . . well you know the rest. I do think Liam put the fear of God into the boy though, but we’ll still keep our eyes on them.”

“Right because we were . . .” Katelyn stops talking and looks at her girls. She smiles sheepishly and then turns back to her glass of wine.

“Mom, seriously?” Peyton says.

“Please tell us it was our father, and you weren’t some—ouch,” Elle looks at her sister in horror. “I can’t believe you just hit me.”

“So, what if Mom had a couple of boyfriends.”

“I just don’t want to hear about her sexcapades when she was a teen.” Elle shudders, and we all laugh.

“What’s going on in here?” Harrison asks as he enters the room, cradling Oliver. I reach for him, hoping Katelyn won’t be angry that I want to hold him again. Harrison sets him into my arms, and I sigh with happiness.

“Does he have a nickname or anything?”

“Ollie,” Katelyn says. “Harrison and I settled on two names, and then as a family, we voted.”

“What was the other name?” Josie asks from behind me. She’s moved so she can look at the sleeping bundle in my arms.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance