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"That's very sweet of him."

I stifle a laugh because sweet and JD do not go together in a sentence. Although, when it comes to Jenna and Eden, he's an entirely different person.

When Rosa arrives at the table with our bill, I have my credit card out and ready for her. She takes it and tells us she'll be right back.

"Make sure you leave her a good tip since we won't be back until next year."

"Of course," I reply. "As if I'd do anything different when it comes to Rosa."

When she returns, Rosa sets the slip down with a pen and walks away. "How much are you leaving her?" Katelyn asks.

I don't bother to answer her and write the total, plus tip onto the piece of paper and scribble my name. Katelyn takes it from me, writes on it, and hands it back. I say nothing, as I get up and reach for her hand to help her out of the booth.

"Merry Christmas, Rosa," Katelyn says as we begin to leave. "We'll see you next year."

"Next year? What?" Rosa yells out, but we're already at the door. With Katelyn's hand in mine, I look down at her and smile.

"She'll be happy."

"Rosa's good to us." And we're good to her. We always make sure to tip above the normal and more so during the holidays. "A two-thousand-dollar tip will help her tremendously."

"You're a good woman, Katelyn."

She stops and pulls me to her. I don't hesitate to kiss her, not caring if someone has their camera out. Please blast this all-over social media with the caption, "Harrison James kisses his wife on the street corner." So scandalous.

I open the car door for Katelyn and make sure she's situated before closing it. The plan is to leave her car and come back and get it after she takes me to this super secretive place. Once I'm in the flow of traffic, Katelyn is giving me directions. She points to the right or left, but the best is when she says, turn here, and I'm stuck in the middle lane.

"Advance warning, babe."

"I know, I'm sorry."

Clearly, wherever we're going and whatever is on her mind is weighing heavily on her. I hate that for her and want to relieve her of what she's feeling. When she tells me to turn into the hospital entrance, I figure it's to turn around, but she directs into the first open spot she sees.

"Follow me," Katelyn says as she gets out of the SUV. I do as she requests and fall in step behind her. The hospital is busy, with an influx of people milling around. Honestly, it's my least favorite place to be, and I start to wonder if Katelyn has befriended a fan of 4225 West and their dying wish is to meet me. I find this odd because Katelyn would've said something, and I definitely would've made sure the fan received the full treatment.

We step into the elevator with a few other people, and Katelyn presses the sixth-floor button. We ride in silence until the doors open for us and step out. At the nurse's station, Katelyn checks us in. I'm given a sticker that says visitor with my picture on it.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

"You'll see." Katelyn motions for me to follow, and I do. We walk through a set of double doors that Katelyn opened with her badge and around the corner. She stops at the large window and sighs.


"Did someone have a baby that we know?"

Katelyn shakes her head and again motions for me to follow her. We go into the nursery, and she greets one of the nurses, who introduces herself as Mary.

"Are you here to see Baby John?"

Katelyn nods and take

s my hand. Being in a place like this, full of babies, is something new for me. I wasn't there when Quinn was born and obviously the twins. Katelyn and I never considered expanding our family either and are both anxious for grandchildren.

"Sit here," Katelyn says as she points to a rocking chair. I do and keep my eyes on my wife. She goes to one of the cradles and scoops up a baby wrapped in a hospital-issued blanket with a blue hat on. Katelyn sits next to me and, for a moment, is entirely focused on the baby she's holding.

"I don't know how long I've volunteered here. It's probably going on two years now. I love coming in and holding the babies and helping the new moms. This job or whatever you'd call it has been rewarding. When I leave, I know the babies are loved, and the parents are walking out with their bundles prepared for sleepless nights. When I go home at night, I'm content and ready to bug Peyton and Noah for a grandchild."

Katelyn gently places the baby she's holding into my arms. I'm nervous but not afraid because I know my wife is by my side. I look down at the little guy and take in his features. He's tiny with blue eyes and the smallest nose. He wiggles and squirms, almost as if he’s trying to break out of his swaddle.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance