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I do my best to keep quiet, but it’s near impossible with him. He knows this and by the smirk spreading across his lips, he’s enjoying the torment. I could take revenge and climb on top of him, but I’m enjoying this position. It’s bringing us closer and seems more intimate even though I can’t touch him like I want.

Liam moves his hips faster, hitting my spot perfectly. I’m forced to bite the inside of my cheek to keep my sounds at a minimum, but the torture is too much to bear.

“Scream into the pillow,” he says, before he flips me onto my stomach and pins my legs together by his. “So fucking tight,” I hear him say as he enters me from behind. From this angle, it only takes a few thrusts until I’m falling over the edge and calling out his name. Everything from me is muffled into the pillow, but he’s sure to moan into my ear. It turns me on even more, knowing that I make him feel this way, that I’m the one who makes him lose control. I spent far too long in the beginning of our marriage wondering if I was enough for him. Each time he tr

ied to show me or I would finally accept I am everything he wants, something would happen and I’d be back at zero, trying to piece everything together.

Liam grunts out his orgasm and falls on top of me, breathing heavily. He stays there for a few seconds before rolling over.

“Stay home,” he says, rising onto his elbow. He peppers my back with kisses and small nips that he replaces by his tongue to take the sting away. “We can send Paige to your parents and fuck all week long.”

“Don’t you have songs to write? Music to produce?”

“Nah,” he says, shaking his head.

I laugh, knowing full well that they’re behind schedule and was meant to deliver new music to the label last month. Liam, being the primary songwriter, has writer’s block and everything he’s tried to clear his mind, hasn’t worked.

“Besides, we’re flying to see Noah on Sunday,” I point out.

He shrugs, but I know damn well he would not miss Noah’s game. When Liam is home, his children, regardless of their age, are his priority. He doesn’t miss anything that Betty Paige has going on or any of Noah’s games, flying to wherever he’s playing.

“You talk a big game, Mr. Page, but I see right through you.”

His hand smacks my ass, causing me to yelp. “You know how I get when you call me Page.”

“I know and I love it, but I really do need to get dressed.”

“I don’t like you flying by yourself.”

I don’t like it either, but it made more sense for Katelyn and Jenna to fly on the band’s private jet than it did for me to use it alone, and the thought of either of us flying to each other didn’t seem like a good use of our time.

“I’ll be fine. I’m in first class, drinking my way to the Bahamas, chatting with whoever is sitting next to me.”

Liam groans. He’s already told me not to talk to any men—he doesn’t trust them.

“You’re killing me, woman.”

“You love me,” I remind him.

He rests his head on my pillow and pushes my hair away from my face. “I love you more than words can express, Josie. You’re my life. You, Noah, and Betty Paige… I am nothing without you.”

“Liam…” When he says things like this, my heart soars with so much love. For every day that we’ve been together, the days we weren’t still weigh heavily on my mind. They were more present when Paige was an infant. I could see it in his eyes when he’d talk to Noah. Liam missed everything. Thinking back, I wish I had just told him in the message that I was pregnant, but I wanted him to call me back. I wanted him to tell me why he left me. “I love you,” I say, kissing him. “You’re my life and the best damn father to our children.”

“Mom? Dad?” Betty Paige’s voice at the door has us scrambling to cover up. We are long past the time when she used to crawl into bed with us and we were forced to sleep in clothes. There was a time when I would wear a nightgown to bed, only to have it on the floor within seconds. After a while, I gave up until Paige started coming into our bedroom in the middle of the night. Liam grumbled a lot back in those days.

Liam sits up and puts a pillow over his crotch. I laugh and quickly slip my bathrobe on before crawling back into bed.

“Come in, Paige,” Liam says, his voice is a bit gruff as if he wants her to believe we were sleeping. I stifle a laugh, which earns me the classic side eye.

Betty Paige enters, dressed and ready for school. I glance at the clock and realize that it’s later than I had thought. “I was just wondering if you were coming downstairs this year or do I have to make my own breakfast?”

“You’re old enough to make your own breakfast, Paige,” I say, slightly irritated.

She shrugs. “But Daddy is home.”

Yes, he is, and that means when he’s home, he treats her like a baby, waiting on her hand and foot. It bothers me, but there isn’t anything I can do about it. He thinks he must be like this because he missed chunks of time with her while he was on tour.

I shake my head and get out of bed, heading straight for the shower. He can deal with her and the attitude that comes with her.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance