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“I know, my piggy bank is empty now, Grandpa.” Noah has everyone laughing with his joke.

“You guys will have fun, you all deserve it,” I say.

The next present I pull out is for me, from my family. I shake the box first, earning an eye roll from Josie. I know I’m hard to shop for, so I know anything they can find me will be the best gift ever. I unwrap the box and lift the lid. Inside is a black box with my name engraved.

“We thought you could use one like your grandfather.”

I run my hand over the top, feeling the smooth wood. “Wow, thank you. I love it.”

“Open it,” Noah says and I do. Inside are two pictures. The first one is of Mason and me in our football gear and the second is of Josie and me with the kids about a month ago. It was our attempt at a family photo with a newborn.

“I don’t know what to say. I’m sort of speechless.”

“Well, that doesn’t happen often,” Josie says, as she shifts Paige to burp. I mouth “thank you” to her because I know this was her idea. I set my box aside and compose myself. It’s been an emotional day, all starting with the nightmare I had.

“Well, I guess that’s it. We should probably shower and head over to Harrison’s.”

Noah throws a pillow at me and pretends to pout. I hand him his first gift and he rips into the paper, letting it fly everywhere.

“Sweet, a new glove! Thanks!”

And that is how the morning continues with Noah opening everything under the tree aside from a few other gifts we bought each other. Paige, of course, had her fair share of presents as well.

There are two-dozen white chairs decorated with pink tulle facing the trellis, which is facing the ocean. Flowers hang from the top, creating a cascading arrangement, and candles are lit. It is Noah’s job to make sure the candles don’t blow out. Why Yvie wanted to get married on the beach, on Christmas, is beyond me, but here I am, escorting people to their seats.

The ceremony is simple, but from what Noah has told me, the reception will be “off the hook”. As long as everyone is having fun, I’m down for anything. When I’ve seated the last guest, I rush into the house and make sure Xander is ready.

Xander and Yvie surprised us all. He had gone to see her for Valentine’s Day and said he knew then that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He just didn’t know how to make it work. Yvie was having the same thoughts, but had taken the steps to end her tenure on Broadway. During one of his visits, they were at the top of the Empire State building and he got down on bended knee, and asked her to marry him. She said yes and quickly asked if he’d renovate the second floor of the gym for a dance studio. He came back to Beaumont and started on it immediately, only for Yvie to be offered a job in Los Angeles. After a long discussion, they decided to move to California, but keep the gym open in Beaumont until the right buyer comes along. This is partly the reason why JD and Jenna have moved out here, to be close to Xander.

“You good?” I ask him. He nods and straightens his bowtie. It’s my job to make sure I get him out of the house without seeing Yvie.

“All right, the coast is clear,” I tell him and JD, who is his best man as well as Lindsay, Yvie’s friend from New York, who is her maid of honor. Harrison has the duty of walking his sister down the aisle. I swear he cried when she asked him. Peyton and Elle are the flower girls and Quinn is responsible for the rings. The poor kid has been sitting in the corner for over an hour, afraid to move because he thinks he’ll lose them.

Once I have the guys in place, I run back in and tell Tess that we can start. The Justice of the Peace is under the trellis, waiting. I sit down at JD’s keyboard and start playing the song I learned for the wedding. This was my gift to Yvie. I thought this would be better than some recording playing on an iPod.

Lindsay comes out first, and according to Josie, she’s wearing a light pink chiffon (whatever that is), off the shoulder dress. Apparently, just calling clothes by their name isn’t okay. Me, I’m in a black tux made by Armani – that is something I do know.

Once Lindsay is in her spot, the twins walk out and start dropping rose petals for their aunt. They wave at me when they walk by and I notice that their dresses match Lindsay’s. As soon as they get to the front, it’s my cue to play the Wedding March.

When Harrison and Yvie step out, I get choked up. She’s been like a sister to me and I couldn’t be happier to see her finally settling down with an amazing guy. I let the music trail off when they reach Xander, who stands there patiently waiting for his bride. I know what that’s like. It’s pure torture. I quietly take my seat next to Josie and kiss her on the cheek. Paige is sleeping in her arms and wearing a dress very similar to Lindsay, Peyton and Elle.

“Who gives this woman to be with this man?”

“Her family does,” Harrison says and I want to stand up and say ‘damn right’, but I bite my tongue. I’ll do that later.

Harrison kisses Yvie on the cheek and shakes Xander’s hand before taking a spot between his mom and Katelyn. I pat him on the shoulder and remind him he has two daughters, he better get used to it.

“We are gathered here today to witness the union of Yvie James and Alexander Knight. The meaning of true love is different for each of us. We can find it in a friend, a lover and if you’re one of the lucky ones, your soul mate. It’s what you do with that love that carves a path for your future. Yvie and Xander have taken their love for each other and shared it with the rest of you today.”

His words give me pause. I hadn

’t realized that the love I have for Josie has been carving our path, but it makes sense.

Yvie and Xander exchange their vows and Quinn delivers the rings like a champ. Once they kiss, I’m out of my seat and back at the piano to play their song as they come back down the aisle. When Yvie gets to me, she presses her lips against my cheek. “Thank you, Liam.”

I continue to play until all the guests are out of the area. The reception is at the marina, not far from here, and most people are on their way there by the time I get the piano put away.

“Are you ready?” Josie asks me as I take Paige from her.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance