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“Do you love her?”

“NO!” I roar as I throw the glass against the wall. The bottle of whiskey follows it quickly, shattering into tiny shards of glass as the rest of the booze makes its mark on the otherwise dull wall. I bend over at my waist and start to heave, barely making it to garbage can. It’s been so long since I’ve puked up liquor and it’s a good reminder as to why I shouldn’t drink excessively.

After a long, hot shower, I’m in bed with my laptop, waiting for Josie to connect so we can chat. When she finally does, I’m graced with my beautiful wife, her hair loose on her shoulders and wearing one of my t-shirts.

“Hey, I’ve been looking for that,” I tell her before she can say hi. I know she kept the shirt, but teasing her about it is fun and I like to see her smile.

She grins, pulling the collar up to her nose. “It doesn’t smell like you anymore.”

I adjust myself to a more comfortable position in bed, putting my arms behind my head. My chest is on full display for her, so I’m hoping she can see her name.

“Do you see my tattoo?”


“What’s it say?” I ask her.


“And who is Jojo?”

“Me,” she says.

“Hmm… does Jojo love me?”

She nods. “More than words.”

“I love you, Jojo. I know I’m not home to show you, but I need you to trust me and believe me when I tell you there isn’t another woman in this world that can compete with you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Fuck, baby,” I say as I sit up. “What can I do to prove it? I told everyone at the press junket that I love you and they’ll still twist my words. They need the drama to sell their story. We don’t need that shit in our lives; we have too much going for us.”

“I just worry that I’m not enough. I’m not into that scene and sometimes I feel like you need someone who is.”

“You are more than enough, Jojo. I don’t know what I can do to show you that. You’re the one I want, day in and day out, for the rest of my life. If I can’t have you, I don’t want anyone else.”

“Please stop.” She’s laughing so hard, she’s disappeared from the screen. I know it’s cheesy to recite lyrics, especially ones that I haven’t written, but getting her to laugh was my goal.

“Liam,” she says in a sweet, quiet voice after she’s calmed down. “When you came back I never thought we’d be where we are right now. Please have patience with me. I’m scared and feel like I don’t belong in your world right now.”

“I don’t need anyone but you. But if you want to put on a short mini-skirt and some fuck me heels, I’ll happily prove that fact to you by bending you over the couch and making you scream my name.”

“Oh God.”

“Yeah, you can say his, too.” I pause and study the woman that I love, the person I would quit this life for if she asked me to. “Baby, can you do me a favor?”


“Show me your boobies. I really miss seeing them.”

Josie rolls her eyes, but takes my shirt off anyway. My eyes bug out slightly because they look larger than the last time I saw them.

“Jojo, did you get a boob job while I’ve been gone?”

“What? No,” she scoffs at me, rolling her eyes. “Why would you say that?”

“Because I know your boobs very well and unless we’re in super high-def, they look bigger.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance