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Their enthusiasm makes me want to hurl. I know he means well, but his happy attitude is not welcomed in my house right now. We make eye contact when he closes the door. His mega-watt smile drops when he sees Bianca. I know what he’s thinking, and he has every right to.

“Bianca, this is Nick. Nick, Bianca. I don’t think you guys have officially met.”

Bianca steps forward and holds out her hand. Nick does the same. The handshake is quick and very cordial.

“My grandson speaks very highly of you, and I must say that I’m very appreciative that you stepped up when my husband and I didn’t. Thank you.”

I think both my mouth and Nicks are matching as they hang open in shock.

“It was my pleasure. Noah’s a great kid.”

Noah the Great is bounding down the stairs, sounding like a herd of elephants. He kisses me on the cheek and plants one on Bianca too, much to her surprise.

“Where are you going?” I ask with a fake attitude.

“Nick asked me to spend the night. It’s cool, right?”

I nod. Even though I want to sleep with Noah in my arms tonight, he’d be better off with Nick and Aubrey.

“I’ll be out in a minute,” Nick tells Noah, who dashes out the door without even a second glance.

“Aubrey and I would like to take him for a few days, give you a chance to go see Liam.”

I shake my head. “I won’t miss his game.”

“You won’t have to. There’s been some field damage, so the game is pushed back a week.”

“You should go, Josie,” Bianca pipes up. I scowl at her, letting her know it’s not okay to be on Team Nick right now.

“Aubrey will even fill in at the café.”

“I can’t. I already told Jenna she could have some time off.”

Nick comes over and stands in front of me. He cups my cheeks, just like he used to do when we dated. “Josie, it pains me to say this, but you need to go see Liam. You need to grieve with him and not bottle it up. I know you, and sadly he’s the same way. Talk to him.”

He kisses me on the forehead and tells Bianca it was nice to meet her. As soon as the door shuts, she’s sitting on the step below me. She’s been here for hours and she doesn’t have a hair out of place or one wrinkle in her clothes.

“When Sterling refused to let me leave, I stopped communicating. I wasn’t a good example for my son and know that he struggled with how to express himself. Please don’t make the same mistakes I did. Go to California and be with him.”

The thought of being in his arms as early as tomorrow is very appealing, but the thought of showing up with bad news isn’t. We just had a major fight, and as much as I want to be with him, seeing him there isn’t my idea of a good time. I’ll have to compete with everyone for his attention and that would be a first for me. I’m not sure I could handle it.

“I’ll think about it.”

Bianca stands and straightens out her skirt. “Thank you for tonight, Josie. It really means a lot to me, and I know I don’t deserve your hospitality.”

“Bianca?” I say her name, just as she reaches the door. “Does he hit you?”

“No,” she shakes her head, but her eyes are looking down at the ground.

“Did he use to?”

She takes her hand off the doorknob and clasps her hands in front her, much like she was earlier today. When she doesn’t answer, I prod again. “Did he ever hit Liam?” I want to say that Liam would’ve told me, but I can see him keeping this locked inside.

“No, Sterling is a lot of things, but physically abusive isn’t one of them. He’s mean, condescending and some will call him a bully.”

“Do you love him?”

She shakes her head no. “I haven’t since before Liam was born.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance