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I look around the gym and count maybe five people in here. A few are the meatheads, the power lifters, hoisting some weights before they go drink themselves into a stupor. Their New Year’s Resolutions will actually start on the second, after they’ve had a day to detox. Tonight, they want the tighter muscles to show through their skintight shirts. It’s a trick all the guys use. Pound out a few reps before you go on a date. When you think you might score, hit the bathroom and get a few push-ups in before you take off your shirt. Girls have been known to do it as well, but with guys it’s obvious.

It’s been snowing on and off today, creating just enough slush outside that boots are required. Growing up in Florida, I didn’t have many opportunities to see snow until I went off to college. I attended the University of Delaware for physical therapy, and the first time it snowed there I didn’t know what to do. My buddies all laughed at me and took me shopping after class. I had to outfit an entire wardrobe just to get through the cold winters. Shorts and flip-flops weren’t going to cut it. The weather can ruin a lot of plans, and I’m wondering how tonight is going to shape up.

I’m taking Yvie out, or better yet, she’s taking me. She asked me to be her date for tonight and I happily accepted. She’s going home tomorrow. She’s assured me that I’ll be rid of her just after the New Year. Thing is, I’m not ready for her to leave. I like having her around, and I especially like that she has come into the gym the past few days. After Liam and Josie’s anniversary party, I took her back to Harrison’s where she still had a car. She wanted to stay there, and I understood. She wants to get to know the twins and this extra time is important to her. Still, I wouldn’t mind waking up next to her, but right now I’ll take whatever I can get.

Yvie left about an hour ago. She walked out of here promising me a night to remember. Little does she know that just being in the same room with her, or holding her hand is all I really need. Being the gym owner has its perks, but not when you’re the only one working. Since the first night here, I’ve had thoughts of taking her on my desk, having my arm sweep everything off as her hands pull at my clothes. She’s adventurous, I’ll give her that. And flexible. I have a whole new appreciation for a ballet barre now that I’ve been able to use it for something fun. I want to make a New Year’s resolution, but having it fail doesn’t appeal. If either of us lived in the same city, it’d be easy to sit down and tell her that I want more. That we owe it to ourselves to give us a chance. Right now, my resolution would be to make sure she’s always smiling and for her to know that I’m a phone call away.

The gym is going to feel empty without her, but I’m trying not to think about it. Having Yvie here and working out brought a spark to me. Other members have noticed it, but I played it off telling them it was because of the holidays; no one needs to know the truth – I’ve fallen for the girl. I’ll make sure everything goes back to normal. She’s not my girlfriend. I have to remind myself of this fact daily, but Yvie makes me smile, and we have an amazing time together. This past week has been refreshing and one of my best weeks ever. I owe that all to her and when she leaves tomorrow, I’ll do the same as I did on Christmas night. I’ll walk into the airport with her and say goodbye.

We’ve made no promises to each other, other than texting and calling occasionally. I don’t know where her head’s at with her ex. It’s not like he’s a normal ex, one that goes away when you break-up; he’s her boss. She’s going to see him and as much as I want to pound his face with my fist and ask her to stay away from him, I’m can’t. Believe me, thoughts of flying to New York to confront the loser have played through my mind many times. I’ve even looked at flights. But Yvie is too important to me to do that. I can’t jeopardize her career because of my overbearing ego and the need to protect what’s mine… or what I want to be mine.

The door chimes and JD walks in. I nod to him and turn my attention to the paperwork sitting on the counter. I’m supposed to be going over the new memberships and making sure they’re all in order before they’re entered into the computer. The last thing I need here is for an error to mess up everything.

“What’s up, mate?”

I look up; JD looks concerned. His brows are furrowed, and he seems distracted.

“What’s going on?” I put the paperwork to one side and give him my full attention.

JD looks around, peering over both his shoulders before he leans over the counter. “I was playing with Little One outside, and my chest tightened. I didn’t think anything of it, but then it hurt to breathe.”

I lean back and try to read more from his expression. The harder I look, the more I see fear. His doctor said that he would experience times where breathing would be difficult, but he hadn’t had any issues yet. I thought he was in the clear.

“Have you called your doctor?” I ask, hoping that he has a cold or the beginning of one.

JD shakes his head. “What if he says something’s wrong?”

Sitting forward, I fold my hands together. His fears are legitimate. He had a life-threatening injury and by all accounts probably shouldn’t have survived. JD went through extensive physical therapy to rebuild his lungs and worked hard to be free of any walking devices before Eden was born. If he’s having a setback, this could kill him, so to speak.

“I think you need to call the doctor and see if you can get in. Tell him that you want an x-ray and make sure you share your concerns with him.”

JD contemplates what I’m saying and nods. “What if I need more therapy?”

I shrug nonchalantly. “If you do, we’ll do it. I can easily make adjustments in my schedule to accommodate you. But it may just be a cold, or the cold air.”

“You’re coming with us on tour, right? I know you said you would, but I just need to make sure.”

I nod. “You won’t need me, but I’ll be there.”

“All right, mate. I should probably get home. I told Jenna I was going out to buy some milk. I don’t even know if we need milk.”

“Don’t worry, JD. You look fine, other than the stress of freaking yourself out. I’ll see ya tonight, man.” JD and I man-shake by ways of a fist-bump and he takes his leave.

I can’t even imagine what kind of fear he lives with each time he thinks something could be wrong. I’m not sure what I can do to curb that fear, but I’m going to try.

My front door opens and closes quickly. I set down my half-full soda can on the counter and walk slowly into my living room. When I round the corner, I’m welcomed by the most beautiful sight, yet the most confusing.

Yvie is bent over, untying her tennis shoes. Sweatpants cover her legs and her small frame is hidden behind my way-too-big-for-her sweatshirt. By all accounts she should be dressed, and ready to head to Ralph’s to ring in the New Year. If this is her attire, I’m way overdressed.

I clear my throat and her head pops up. Her smile spreads from ear to ear and its nothing but mischievous. I can’t help but smile while I wait for her to finish taking off her shoes.

“Is there a magic dress under those sweats?”

Yvie stands, walks over to me and places her hands on my chest. “Nope,” she says. “Under these sweats you’ll find nothing but me.”

Placing my hands on her hips, I lean down and place a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Is tonight some type of costume party?”

She shakes her head and takes my face in her hands, placing a long, lingering kiss on my lips. I follow her as she pulls away, not ready to end our kiss. When I open my eyes, she’s smiling, and it hits me that this is our last night together.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance