Page List


“I’ll be right back,” I say, before standing. I don’t wait to see if anyone offers to come with me. This isn’t a girls’ trip to the bathroom, although maybe it should be. I meander through the crowd. There are some people I know and we stop and chat. For the most part, I grew up around some of these folks. When my mom worked for Liam’s grandmother, she used to take us to parties at Betty’s house. That was the only time we were allowed to attend though. Betty never cared that Harrison and I were there. She made us feel like family. I’m saddened to think about how much she’s missed since she passed.

When I spot Liam, I ignore the people near me and make my way over to him. I pull him away from two men th

at I’ve never seen and right now don’t care to meet.

“Yvie, what the fuck, I was talking to them?” He looks pissed, and I don’t care. His wife, the one he vowed to spend the rest of his life with, is upset, and she should never sulk especially on their anniversary.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I accentuate my point my poking him in the chest.

Liam looks at me as if he’s confused, but I know better. His dumb rocker persona doesn’t fly with me. Never has, never will.

“It’s my anniversary; why are you being mean to me?” His tone is brotherly. He’s trying to smooth me over.

I drop my mouth in surprise. “What’s the anniversary for?”

“Right, you weren’t here, but I invited you. It’s mine and Josie’s anniversary. We were married on this day.” He flashes his patent Liam Page smile, but I’m not buying it.

“It is?” I look at him with pure excitement and let him think I’m happy for him. Once he smiles, I scowl at him. “If it’s your anniversary, where the hell is your wife?”

Liam’s brows furrow as he looks down on me. “What are you talking about? She’s sitting at our table.”

I slap him across his chest and that earns a few gasps from the people near us. These people are probably calling TMZ right now and gossiping about Liam Page and Harrison James’ sister arguing in the corner, although they’ll likely turn it into a lover’s quarrel.

“Your wife should be by your side, Liam. I know you’re new to the whole relationship thing, but don’t be dumb. She’s over at the table looking sad and lost. Show her off for fuck’s sake and stop being an ass.” I look behind me quickly and notice that Xander has the same look as Josie. I need to fix my blunder from earlier. I can’t leave him feeling like I don’t care because I do. I don’t know if Liam follows my eyes or not, but when I look back him, he’s glaring at me.

“You sound like JD.”

I throw my hands up in the air. “If that’s all you got out of my little rant, then I feel sorry for you.” I walk away, leaving him to figure out his own crap. I have my own to deal with and shouldn’t even meddle in his life, but it pisses me off to see him working the room while Josie sits at the table being a fifth wheel to their friends. She should be by his side, standing there proudly with her husband.

Instead of going back to the table, I work my way through the crowd in search of the bathroom. Being my first time here, I’m not familiar with the layout, but most bars are the same – near the backdoor for an easy getaway. When I reach the restroom door, I bypass it for the door marked exit. I push it open and take a gulp of the cold air. I need a breather.

The cold air chills my body temperature and helps me relax. I lean up against the wall and put my head back. Closing my eyes, I imagine that it’s snowing. If I were home in New York, I’d be ice skating or walking down Fifth Avenue with my friends. We’d call it an early night though because of the show. We’d make plans to meet in the morning before rehearsals. There’s nothing like the holiday season in New York City, and I’m sorry that I missed it, but on the other hand I’m thankful because I spent the time with my family, and I needed that.

As soon as the door opens, I know it’s someone coming to get me. My first thought is Xander and my immediate thought after that is what it’d be like to have him take me against this wall. That shouldn’t be the first thought that crosses my mind. I should want to see him for him, not because of the way he makes me feel during sex.

When heels appear, I breathe a sigh of relief. It’s Katelyn, who happens to be carrying my clutch, followed by Jenna.

“Thanks,” I say, as I reach for my clutch. Katelyn stands next to me and Jenna lingers. The only thing missing from this scene are cigarettes and martinis. I sigh, and close my eyes. I don’t want to ask them what they’re doing out here, or why they aren’t with Josie or even the guys.

“What’s going on with you?” Katelyn asks.

My eyes fling open. “What do you mean?”

Katelyn turns to face me. “I know I don’t know you very well, and honestly I’m out here because Harrison said you needed girl time. Jenna and I like our girl time so I told him we’d come check on you.”

“How’d you know where I was?”

“Xander knew,” Jenna adds with a shrug. How did he know? Was he following me?

“Harrison thinks you’re acting strange, and that it has something to do with my question earlier. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot or anything. You and Xander just looked really comfortable together.”

“It’s fine,” I tell her. I’m not angry or embarrassed. Xander is a catch and wouldn’t be single if he lived in New York or even California. Guys like him, genuine and caring, are hard to come by in the big city.

“He likes you.” I look at Jenna who shrugs. “He told Jimmy, or that’s what Jimmy said.”

I roll my eyes. “Jimmy is full of shit, always has been. Xander and I are just having fun.”

“Is that all you’re having?” Katelyn asks. Her voice is hushed as if someone could hear her. I look around to see who is lurking, but spot no one.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance