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I step away as quickly as I can. I don’t want to hear what else he has to say. This was a mistake. I should’ve stayed back at the hotel and let him do his thing tonight. This scene is not for me and I don’t know how Josie can handle it.

Easily, I decide when I see her. She’s standing with Liam and giving an interview while I stand in the middle of this big production with Jimmy’s one-night stand.

THE moment I look over expecting her to be there, she’s not. In fact, she looks like she doesn’t want to be here or with me. I know it’s my fault because I’m an idiot. I panicked after I got out of the car and couldn’t recover fast enough. I forgot how to act around her. Putting my feelings aside, she’s my friend and I failed to treat her as such.

“I gotta go,” I say to Emily, skipping out on her guaranteed interview. Emily and Yvie have been friends for years and I’ve always interviewed with her, tonight being the exception. My head hangs in shame when I step away from the media line and stalk toward the retreating Katelyn. She’s far enough down the line, standing with Josie that she doesn’t know I’m coming.

“Come with me,” I say close to her ear. I don’t give her an opportunity to say no. I place my hand on her back; the same spot I deemed mine earlier and lead her through the crowd.

Members of the media and fans yell my name, trying to get my attention. I hate ignoring my name being called. This is my job and I love it, but right now, she’s far more important. There’s something wrong and I need to know what to do to fix it, because seeing her face fall like I just broke her heart doesn’t sit well with me.

Once we’re away from the fans, I slip my hand into hers. She has to walk a bit faster to keep up with me, but this can’t wait. I need to know what’s going on in her head. One minute we’re fine and the next… I don’t even want to think about what just happened back there.

I take Katelyn backstage, the only place where I know we’ll have a bit of privacy. I won’t have much time, but hopefully enough to fix this. I open a few doors until I find an empty room and pull her inside. I shut the door, locking it for safe measure. When I turn, she’s facing away from me. I step forward until I’m pressed against her back. My fingers trail down her arms, my fingers interlace with hers. I bring her closer to me, holding her against me. My face rests against hers.

“What’s wrong?”

She shakes her head. Her body sways. She cries silently, her tears dampening my cheek. “Talk to me, please?” I beg.

“I can’t,” she says in barely a whisper. She steps away from me and while I’ve desired her touch since the day I’ve met her, I now feel empty with her only a foot away.

“I’m overreacting,” she says, taking a deep breath and wiping away her tears.

“About what?”

Katelyn covers her face and shakes her head. She lets out a long sigh before looking at m


“I got jealous back there. That reporter kissed you on the cheek and when she asked about who stole your heart the look you gave me… it felt like you were ashamed that I was there with you.”

“Are you kidding me?” I roar, stepping closer to her. “I want everyone to know that you’re the one. Jesus Christ, Katelyn, I’ve been fighting for you to notice me for almost a year and now you finally have, do you really think I’m going to fuck that up?”

I step away and start pacing. My hand finds my hair and starts pulling. “Don’t you want us to be the ones to tell the kids? Hell, Quinn is waiting for me to tell him, he knows how I feel about you, but the girls… they lost their dad and I don’t want them to hate me and they would if they found out on TV that we’ve decided to give this a go.”

I walk back over to her and cup her face. “I want you on my arm. I want everyone to know that I’m head over heels about you. That look I gave you was because it was killing me not to tell Emily that you’re the one who has stolen my heart.”


“The reporter? I kissed her on the cheek because I’ve known her since she was like three or something. She’s friends with Yvie. I will never disrespect you.”

“I’m scared.”

“I’m scared too, Katelyn. I’m so damn scared that I’m going to do something to fuck this up or you’re going to realize that you can do so much better than me. I’ve been so patient and now that I’ve had you, I don’t want to let go, but I’m going to make mistakes. You’re the first woman I’ve brought to any event. I freaked out too.”

“I’m sorry. I know I’m being stupid. I let some petty moment ruin your night,” she says as her lips find mine. I hold her to me, savoring every bit of her.

“Baby, my night is perfect as long as you’re with me.”

WE didn’t tell the girls that we’ve been nominated for best single with Painkillers. Once it was known that Liam was off the market, the song shot up the charts. When we were told, we decided to keep it a secret.

I pull Katelyn’s hand into mine as soon as the presenters step onto the stage. Clips are shown of the nominees and when 4225 West is shown, the girls gasp loudly. Katelyn turns to me, her eyes full of excitement. I wink and fight the urge to lean over and kiss her.

“And the award for Best Single goes to… 4225 West!”

This is not our first award, but right now, it feels like it. Everyone is cheering, but I tune them all out and focus on Katelyn. I lean over and kiss her not once, but twice. I know I just told her that I wanted to be able to tell the kids, but this moment called for it and I don’t want any lingering questions about how I feel dancing around in her mind.

We stand and man-hug each other before walking to the podium. Liam is handed the trophy as he steps to the microphone. He looks at it and shakes his head.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance