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“Only you, Jojo.” He says as his lips meet mine. He has one hand in my hair, the other splayed on my back. He is soft, ever so lightly pulling my bottom lip between his teeth. When he releases, he’s back on my mouth, tracing my lower lip with his tongue. I should push him away, but I can’t.

I want this.

I want to feel him.

I meet his tongue with mine. He moans, setting a slow and steady pace. Our bodies work themselves into a heated frenzy. His mouth leaves mine, trailing kisses down my jaw to my ear and to my neck. He holds me securely in his hands as he sings to me with words and kisses.

My hand slides under his shirt, the sensation of his skin under my fingertips is intoxicating.

I need to stop this. I have Nick to think about, but this is Liam and I…

He left me.

My hands find his shoulders and push. His arms go lax as he looks at me. He shakes his head and steps away from me. His hands tug at his hair.

“I’m sorry—”

“You don’t need to apologize. I shouldn’t have done that,” I say. My hands feel empty without him. I want to reach for him, hold his hand, but that would send the wrong message. It’s bad enough we’ve gone this far. I’m engaged and this is cheating. “I should go.”

He doesn’t say anything, just nods. He’s staring out into the city lights probably remembering why he left me. I look back at him one last time before opening the door.

“Josie, wait.” I pause and turn around, closing the door behind me. He’s there, by my side, before I can catch my breath. “I’m sorry. I should have never put you in that position. I was being selfish and only thinking about myself and how much I miss you. You were here, in my home, and I couldn’t resist. You’re a temptation for me and right now I just want to pick you up and carry you to my bed and not let you leave.”

“I can’t. I’m—”

Liam puts his finger to my lips. “I’m just telling you what I want so my signals aren’t mixed. I want you to know exactly how I feel because the last time I kept secrets, I ruined us.”

“We can’t do this, Liam. I’m getting married.”

“Then I’ll wait. Forever, if I have to.” He places a lingering kiss on my cheek, holding me to him. “I want to see you tomorrow.”

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll be a perfect gentleman. I promise you.”

I nod as he opens the door for me. With one last look I walk out of his place. I look back as I wait for the elevator and he’s standing against the door, hands in his pockets, watching me. The ding from the arriving car breaks my heart.



For the first time in years I’ll be sitting down for a Thanksgiving dinner. When Katelyn called and extended the invitation I immediately took her up on it. I knew that spending the holiday with Josie and Noah was completely out of the question. After she was here for her trade show, things between us became strained and that, once again, was my fault.

I know I screwed things up with her and probably for her.

Arriving in Beaumont is better this time. I’m staying at Katelyn’s house instead of a hotel and for that I’m thankful. I’ll be able to spend quality time with Noah in the comfort of a home. He and I will spend Saturday looking for houses because on Friday I promised to watch the twins so Katelyn could go shopping.

I drive through town hoping to catch a glimpse of Josie at her shop. I know it’s a long shot, but I’m desperate. I'm in love with a girl that can’t love me back. I gotta take what I can get. I drive by twice, both to no avail.

Pulling into the driveway, at Katelyn’s house, Peyton stands and waves from the back of the pick-up truck. When I step out of my rental, she’s jumping up and down yelling my name.

“Hey, Miss Peyton.” I open the trunk and pull out my luggage. I packed extra clothes this time just in case I decide to stay past a week. Last time I was here for almost two weeks and ended up buying more clothes. I also pick up the Apple bag containing the laptop I purchased for the girls. I want to be able to video call Peyton and watch football with her so she’s not alone on Sundays.

“What’s in the bag, Uncle Liam?” I stop in my tracks when she calls me uncle. This was something Mason and I joked about many times when we would talk about our lives and the direction we were heading.

“Oh, nothing important just presents for you, Elle and your mom.” The excitement on her face is worth bringing gifts. I’m not sure how Katelyn is going to react to them or if she’ll even accept them.

Peyton guides me into the house. The smell of pumpkin pie makes my stomach growl. Katelyn's in the kitchen with an apron tied around her waist, as is Elle. Katelyn comes over to meet me. I kiss her on the cheek as she hugs me.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont Romance