Page 92 of One Hot Summer

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The woman at the desk smiled brightly, almost frightening Kelly into thinking she was in the Twilight Zone. “I’ll get her in right away.”

“Do you need her name?”

“Kori, right? The school nurse called and said I should expect her.”

Of course she did. Kelly nodded and took a seat in the waiting room next to a few other mothers. She picked up on bits and pieces of their conversation, which made her stomach turn when she heard them say how hot and sexy Dr. Weatherly was. Maybe he was back in his prime, but certainly not now. He was older than her father was and although she hadn’t seen him in years, she imagined he likely aged very well. However, she did remember her mother and the Women’s Guild going on and on about him, so maybe he was sporting the George Clooney look these days.



The local golf course was empty when Danny arrived. It took him longer to get there than he thought because he’d left his clubs in his office and had to go back. By the time he finally arrived at the course, Neil was already putting on the third hole.

“Got tired of waiting,” he told Danny.

He couldn’t blame his friend. Neil’s time, just as his, was important and taking time off during the day wasn’t always in the cards. Danny dropped his clubs and took a few warm-up swings as he waited for Neil to finish.

They walked to the fourth hole and after two practice swings, Danny teed off. He held his follow through, watching as his ball sliced through the air. He expected a rush of adrenaline, but his thoughts never strayed from Kelly. He wanted to see her again, and when he did, he was going to ask her to join him for a walk on the beach or dinner in another town, away from the prying eyes and ears of Gray.

“Nice hit. Is she pregnant?”

“Who?” Danny asked as he stepped aside.

“The woman who has you tangled in knots. I have to say, Taya is going to be pissed because she didn’t hear about you dating anyone.”

They picked up their bags after Neil hit and continued down the fairway. “That’s because I’m not dating anyone. So, to answer your question, no she’s not pregnant. She’s back.”

Neil stopped walking. Danny took a few more steps before stopping and turning around. He sighed and shook his head. “She, she?” Neil questioned.


“How come I haven’t heard?”

“She’s the new owner of Java Hut.”

“Son of a—”

“I know. I spent four hours in the café this morning, saying nothing, just watching her and sipping on cold stale coffee.”

“She hot?”

He shook his head. “She’s beyond gorgeous. And everything from that last summer we spent together came rushing back. I swear, if I had kissed her today, it would’ve been like she never left.”

“But she did.”

He nodded. “She did, and without a goodbye and that still hurts. I know things were bad and I played a huge part in it, but she didn’t have to treat me like yesterday’s garbage.”

“All I can say is that I’m glad I wasn’t there.” Danny wanted to flip his friend off but refrained. Neil had gone on a college visit and missed that fateful night and never jumped on board when everyone starting hazing Kelly.

“I told her I was sorry earlier. It’s partly why I was late. I left my wallet at the café and had to go back and get it. Couldn’t find my keys either and Mr. Lange picked me along the side of the road. He left me with a few parting words. Rambo’s pissed because I left him at the office when I went back there for a second time to pick up my clubs. What a cluster.” He swung at a clump of grass and dirt and watched it fly about ten feet in the air before landing with a thud.

“What are you going to do?”

“Be present, I guess. I don’t know. I want her to forgive me, but hell if I don’t want to kiss that woman senseless and see if the magic is still there.” Danny’s phone rang out with the office’s ringtone. He groaned, but answered anyway, telling her he was on his way back without even saying hello or waiting to see what she wanted. “Rain check?”

Neil nodded. “And maybe when I see you next, you’ll have her on your arm again.”

“Don’t hold your breath. She’s either recently divorced, going through one or widowed. I haven’t heard which, but her last name isn’t Taft.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Romance